Displaying 321 – 340 of 472

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Limiting behaviors of the Brownian motions on hyperbolic spaces

H. Matsumoto (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Using explicit representations of the Brownian motions on hyperbolic spaces, we show that their almost sure convergence and the central limit theorems for the radial components as time tends to infinity can be easily obtained. We also give a straightforward strategy to obtain explicit expressions for the limit distributions or Poisson kernels.

Limiting Behaviour of Dirichlet Forms for Stable Processes on Metric Spaces

Katarzyna Pietruska-Pałuba (2008)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

Supposing that the metric space in question supports a fractional diffusion, we prove that after introducing an appropriate multiplicative factor, the Gagliardo seminorms | | f | | W σ , 2 of a function f ∈ L²(E,μ) have the property 1 / C ( f , f ) l i m i n f σ 1 ( 1 σ ) | | f | | W σ , 2 l i m s u p σ 1 ( 1 σ ) | | f | | W σ , 2 C ( f , f ) , where ℰ is the Dirichlet form relative to the fractional diffusion.

Limiting curlicue measures for theta sums

Francesco Cellarosi (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We consider the ensemble of curves {γα, N: α∈(0, 1], N∈ℕ} obtained by linearly interpolating the values of the normalized theta sum N−1/2∑n=0N'−1exp(πin2α), 0≤N'<N. We prove the existence of limiting finite-dimensional distributions for such curves as N→∞, when α is distributed according to any probability measure λ, absolutely continuous w.r.t. the Lebesgue measure on [0, 1]. Our Main Theorem generalizes a result by Marklof [Duke Math. J.97 (1999) 127–153] and Jurkat and van Horne [Duke...

Limiting distribution for a simple model of order book dynamics

Łukasz Kruk (2012)

Open Mathematics

A continuous-time model for the limit order book dynamics is considered. The set of outstanding limit orders is modeled as a pair of random counting measures and the limiting distribution of this pair of measure-valued processes is obtained under suitable conditions on the model parameters. The limiting behavior of the bid-ask spread and the midpoint of the bid-ask interval are also characterized.

Limiting spectral distribution of XX' matrices

Arup Bose, Sreela Gangopadhyay, Arnab Sen (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

The methods to establish the limiting spectral distribution (LSD) of large dimensional random matrices includes the well-known moment method which invokes the trace formula. Its success has been demonstrated in several types of matrices such as the Wigner matrix and the sample covariance matrix. In a recent article Bryc, Dembo and Jiang [Ann. Probab.34 (2006) 1–38] establish the LSD for random Toeplitz and Hankel matrices using the moment method. They perform the necessary counting of terms in the...

Limits of determinantal processes near a tacnode

Alexei Borodin, Maurice Duits (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study a Markov process on a system of interlacing particles. At large times the particles fill a domain that depends on a parameter ε > 0. The domain has two cusps, one pointing up and one pointing down. In the limit ε ↓ 0 the cusps touch, thus forming a tacnode. The main result of the paper is a derivation of the local correlation kernel around the tacnode in the transition regime ε ↓ 0. We also prove that the local process interpolates between the Pearcey process and the GUE minor process....

Limsup random fractals.

Khoshnevisan, Davar, Peres, Yuval, Xiao, Yimin (2000)

Electronic Journal of Probability [electronic only]

Linear approximations to some non-linear AR(1) processes

Jiří Anděl (2000)


Some methods for approximating non-linear AR(1) processes by classical linear AR(1) models are proposed. The quality of approximation is studied in special non-linear AR(1) models by means of comparisons of quality of extrapolation and interpolation in the original models and in their approximations. It is assumed that the white noise has either rectangular or exponential distribution.

Linear combination, product and ratio of normal and logistic random variables

Saralees Nadarajah (2005)


The distributions of linear combinations, products and ratios of random variables arise in many areas of engineering. In this note, the exact distributions of α X + β Y , | X Y | and | X / Y | are derived when X and Y are independent normal and logistic random variables. The normal and logistic distributions have been two of the most popular models for measurement errors in engineering.

Linear comparative calibration with correlated measurements

Gejza Wimmer, Viktor Witkovský (2007)


The paper deals with the linear comparative calibration problem, i. e. the situation when both variables are subject to errors. Considered is a quite general model which allows to include possibly correlated data (measurements). From statistical point of view the model could be represented by the linear errors-in-variables (EIV) model. We suggest an iterative algorithm for estimation the parameters of the analysis function (inverse of the calibration line) and we solve the problem of deriving the...

Linear diffusion with stationary switching regime

Xavier Guyon, Serge Iovleff, Jian-Feng Yao (2004)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let Y be a Ornstein–Uhlenbeck diffusion governed by a stationary and ergodic process X : d Y t = a ( X t ) Y t d t + σ ( X t ) d W t , Y 0 = y 0 . We establish that under the condition α = E μ ( a ( X 0 ) ) < 0 with μ the stationary distribution of the regime process X , the diffusion Y is ergodic. We also consider conditions for the existence of moments for the invariant law of Y when X is a Markov jump process having a finite number of states. Using results on random difference equations on one hand and the fact that conditionally to X , Y is gaussian on the other hand, we give...

Linear diffusion with stationary switching regime

Xavier Guyon, Serge Iovleff, Jian-Feng Yao (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let Y be a Ornstein–Uhlenbeck diffusion governed by a stationary and ergodic process X : dYt = a(Xt)Ytdt + σ(Xt)dWt,Y0 = y0. We establish that under the condition α = Eµ(a(X0)) < 0 with μ the stationary distribution of the regime process X, the diffusion Y is ergodic. We also consider conditions for the existence of moments for the invariant law of Y when X is a Markov jump process having a finite number of states. Using results on random difference equations on one hand and the fact that...

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 472