Displaying 61 – 80 of 432

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Performance analysis of single server non-markovian retrial queue with working vacation and constant retrial policy

V. Jailaxmi, R. Arumuganathan, M. Senthil Kumar (2014)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This paper analyses an M/G/1 retrial queue with working vacation and constant retrial policy. As soon as the system becomes empty, the server begins a working vacation. The server works with different service rates rather than completely stopping service during a vacation. We construct the mathematical model and derive the steady-state queue distribution of number of customer in the retrial group. The effects of various performance measures are derived.

Performance of hedging strategies in interval models

Berend Roorda, Jacob Engwerda, Johannes M. Schumacher (2005)


For a proper assessment of risks associated with the trading of derivatives, the performance of hedging strategies should be evaluated not only in the context of the idealized model that has served as the basis of strategy development, but also in the context of other models. In this paper we consider the class of so-called interval models as a possible testing ground. In the context of such models the fair price of a derivative contract is not uniquely determined and we characterize the interval...

Periodic and almost periodic flows of periodic Ito equations

C. Tudor (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

Under the uniform asymptotic stability of a finite dimensional Ito equation with periodic coefficients, the asymptotically almost periodicity of the l p -bounded solution and the existence of a trajectory of an almost periodic flow defined on the space of all probability measures are established.

Permanence of moment estimates for p-products of convex bodies

Ulrich Brehm, Hendrik Vogt, Jürgen Voigt (2002)

Studia Mathematica

It is shown that two inequalities concerning second and fourth moments of isotropic normalized convex bodies in ℝⁿ are permanent under forming p-products. These inequalities are connected with a concentration of mass property as well as with a central limit property. An essential tool are certain monotonicity properties of the Γ-function.

Permanents, order statistics, outliers, and robustness.

Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan (2007)

Revista Matemática Complutense

In this paper, we consider order statistics and outlier models, and focus primarily on multiple-outlier models and associated robustness issues. We first synthesise recent developments on order statistics arising from independent and non-identically distributed random variables based primarily on the theory of permanents. We then highlight various applications of these results in evaluating the robustness properties of several linear estimators when multiple outliers are possibly present in the...

Persistence and extinction of a stochastic delay predator-prey model under regime switching

Zhen Hai Liu, Qun Liu (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper is concerned with a stochastic delay predator-prey model under regime switching. Sufficient conditions for extinction and non-persistence in the mean of the system are established. The threshold between persistence and extinction is also obtained for each population. Some numerical simulations are introduced to support our main results.

Persistence of iterated partial sums

Amir Dembo, Jian Ding, Fuchang Gao (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

Let S n ( 2 ) denote the iterated partial sums. That is, S n ( 2 ) = S 1 + S 2 + + S n , where S i = X 1 + X 2 + + X i . Assuming X 1 , X 2 , ... , X n are integrable, zero-mean, i.i.d. random variables, we show that the persistence probabilities p n ( 2 ) : = max 1 i n S i ( 2 ) l t ; 0 c 𝔼 | S n + 1 | ( n + 1 ) 𝔼 | X 1 | , with c 6 30 (and c = 2 whenever X 1 is symmetric). The converse inequality holds whenever the non-zero min ( - X 1 , 0 ) is bounded or when it has only finite third moment and in addition X 1 is squared integrable. Furthermore, p n ( 2 ) n - 1 / 4 for any non-degenerate squared integrable, i.i.d., zero-mean X i . In contrast, we show that for any 0 l t ; γ l t ; 1 / 4 there exist integrable, zero-mean...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 432