Displaying 1161 – 1180 of 1206

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Optimal stopping with advanced information flow: selected examples

Yaozhong Hu, Bernt Øksendal (2008)

Banach Center Publications

We study optimal stopping problems for some functionals of Brownian motion in the case when the decision whether or not to stop before (or at) time t is allowed to be based on the δ-advanced information t + δ , where s is the σ-algebra generated by Brownian motion up to time s, s ≥ -δ, δ > 0 being a fixed constant. Our approach involves the forward integral and the Malliavin calculus for Brownian motion.

Optimal transportation for multifractal random measures and applications

Rémi Rhodes, Vincent Vargas (2013)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

In this paper, we study optimal transportation problems for multifractal random measures. Since these measures are much less regular than optimal transportation theory requires, we introduce a new notion of transportation which is intuitively some kind of multistep transportation. Applications are given for construction of multifractal random changes of times and to the existence of random metrics, the volume forms of which coincide with the multifractal random measures.

Optimal uncertainty quantification for legacy data observations of Lipschitz functions

T. J. Sullivan, M. McKerns, D. Meyer, F. Theil, H. Owhadi, M. Ortiz (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We consider the problem of providing optimal uncertainty quantification (UQ) – and hence rigorous certification – for partially-observed functions. We present a UQ framework within which the observations may be small or large in number, and need not carry information about the probability distribution of the system in operation. The UQ objectives are posed as optimization problems, the solutions of which are optimal bounds on the quantities of interest; we consider two typical settings, namely parameter...

Optimality conditions for maximizers of the information divergence from an exponential family

František Matúš (2007)


The information divergence of a probability measure P from an exponential family over a finite set is defined as infimum of the divergences of P from Q subject to Q . All directional derivatives of the divergence from are explicitly found. To this end, behaviour of the conjugate of a log-Laplace transform on the boundary of its domain is analysed. The first order conditions for P to be a maximizer of the divergence from are presented, including new ones when P  is not projectable to .

Optimality of replication in the CRR model with transaction costs

Marek Rutkowski (1998)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Recently, there has been a growing interest in optimization problems associated with the arbitrage pricing of derivative securities in imperfect markets (in particular, in models with transaction costs). In this paper, we examine the valuation and hedging of European claims in the multiplicative binomial model proposed by Cox, Ross and Rubinstein [5] (the CRR model), in the presence of proportional transaction costs. We focus on the optimality of replication; in particular, we provide sufficient...

Optimisation in space of measures and optimal design

Ilya Molchanov, Sergei Zuyev (2004)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The paper develops an approach to optimal design problems based on application of abstract optimisation principles in the space of measures. Various design criteria and constraints, such as bounded density, fixed barycentre, fixed variance, etc. are treated in a unified manner providing a universal variant of the Kiefer-Wolfowitz theorem and giving a full spectrum of optimality criteria for particular cases. Incorporating the optimal design problems into conventional optimisation framework makes...

Optimisation in space of measures and optimal design

Ilya Molchanov, Sergei Zuyev (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

The paper develops an approach to optimal design problems based on application of abstract optimisation principles in the space of measures. Various design criteria and constraints, such as bounded density, fixed barycentre, fixed variance, etc. are treated in a unified manner providing a universal variant of the Kiefer-Wolfowitz theorem and giving a full spectrum of optimality criteria for particular cases. Incorporating the optimal design problems into conventional optimisation framework...

Optimization of Discrete-Time, Stochastic Systems

Papageorgiou, Nikolaos (1995)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

* This research was supported by a grant from the Greek Ministry of Industry and Technology.In this paper we study discrete-time, finite horizon stochastic systems with multivalued dynamics and obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for optimality using the dynamic programming method. Then we examine a nonlinear stochastic discrete-time system with feedback control constraints and for it, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition for optimality which we then use to establish the existence...

Option pricing in a CEV model with liquidity costs

Krzysztof Turek (2016)

Applicationes Mathematicae

The goal of this paper is to make an attempt to generalise the model of pricing European options with an illiquid underlying asset considered by Rogers and Singh (2010). We assume that an investor's decisions have only a temporary effect on the price, which is proportional to the square of the change of the number of asset units in the investor's portfolio. We also assume that the underlying asset price follows a CEV model. To prove existence and uniqueness of the solution, we use techniques similar...

Optional splitting formula in a progressively enlarged filtration

Shiqi Song (2014)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Let 𝔽 F be a filtration andτbe a random time. Let 𝔾 G be the progressive enlargement of 𝔽 F withτ. We study the following formula, called the optional splitting formula: For any 𝔾 G-optional processY, there exists an 𝔽 F-optional processY′ and a function Y′′ defined on [0,∞] × (ℝ+ × Ω) being [ 0 , ] 𝒪 ( 𝔽 ) ℬ[0,∞]⊗x1d4aa;(F) measurable, such that Y = Y ' 1 [ 0 , τ ) + Y ' ' ( τ ) 1 [ τ , ) . Y=Y′1[0,τ)+Y′′(τ)1[τ,∞). (This formula can also be formulated for multiple random timesτ1,...,τk). We are interested in this formula because of its fundamental role in many...

Currently displaying 1161 – 1180 of 1206