Are squared Bessel bridges infinitely divisible
We consider the problem of designing adapted kernels for approximating functions invariant under a known finite group action. We introduce the class of argumentwise invariant kernels, and show that they characterize centered square-integrable random fields with invariant paths, as well as Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces of invariant functions. Two subclasses of argumentwise kernels are considered, involving a fundamental domain or a double sum over orbits. We then derive invariance properties...
In this paper we solve an optimal stopping problem for processed indexed by N U{∞} with respect to a certain class of stopping times.
In a multi server queuing system, buffer size is often larger than the number of servers. This necessitates queuing and waiting for some customers. Customers become impatient while waiting for service. Additionally, they may also become impatient if service is not offered at the desired rate. This paper analyses a finite buffer multi server queuing system with the additional restriction that customers may balk as well as renege. Closed form expressions of a number of performance measures are presented....
In a multi server queuing system, buffer size is often larger than the number of servers. This necessitates queuing and waiting for some customers. Customers become impatient while waiting for service. Additionally, they may also become impatient if service is not offered at the desired rate. This paper analyses a finite buffer multi server queuing system with the additional restriction that customers may balk as well as renege. Closed form expressions...
The problem of asymmetry appears in various aspects of time series modelling. Typical examples are asymmetric time series, asymmetric error distributions and asymmetric loss functions in estimating and predicting. The paper deals with asymmetric modifications of some recursive time series methods including Kalman filtering, exponential smoothing and recursive treatment of Box-Jenkins models.
We complement the recently introduced classes of lower and upper semilinear copulas by two new classes, called vertical and horizontal semilinear copulas, and characterize the corresponding class of diagonals. The new copulas are in essence asymmetric, with maximum asymmetry given by . The only symmetric members turn out to be also lower and upper semilinear copulas, namely convex sums of and .