Displaying 61 – 80 of 155

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Józef Marcinkiewicz (1910-1940) - on the centenary of his birth

Lech Maligranda (2011)

Banach Center Publications

Józef Marcinkiewicz’s (1910-1940) name is not known by many people, except maybe a small group of mathematicians, although his influence on the analysis and probability theory of the twentieth century was enormous. This survey of his life and work is in honour of the 100 t h anniversary of his birth and 70 t h anniversary of his death. The discussion is divided into two periods of Marcinkiewicz’s life. First, 1910-1933, that is, from his birth to his graduation from the University of Stefan Batory in Vilnius,...

Limit laws for products of free and independent random variables

Hari Bercovici, Vittorino Pata (2000)

Studia Mathematica

We determine the distributional behavior of products of free (in the sense of Voiculescu) identically distributed random variables. Analogies and differences with the classical theory of independent random variables are then discussed.

Limit laws for transient random walks in random environment on

Nathanaël Enriquez, Christophe Sabot, Olivier Zindy (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider transient random walks in random environment on with zero asymptotic speed. A classical result of Kesten, Kozlov and Spitzer says that the hitting time of the level n converges in law, after a proper normalization, towards a positive stable law, but they do not obtain a description of its parameter. A different proof of this result is presented, that leads to a complete characterization of this stable law. The case of Dirichlet environment turns out to be remarkably explicit.

Limit Measures Related to the Conditionally Free Convolution

Melanie Hinz, Wojciech Młotkowski (2008)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

We describe the limit measures for some class of deformations of the free convolution, introduced by A. D. Krystek and Ł. J. Wojakowski. In particular, we provide a counterexample to a conjecture from their paper.

Limit theorems in free probability theory II

Gennadii Chistyakov, Friedrich Götze (2008)

Open Mathematics

Based on an analytical approach to the definition of multiplicative free convolution on probability measures on the nonnegative line ℝ+ and on the unit circle 𝕋 we prove analogs of limit theorems for nonidentically distributed random variables in classical Probability Theory.

Markov-Krein transform

Jacques Faraut, Faiza Fourati (2016)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The Markov-Krein transform maps a positive measure on the real line to a probability measure. It is implicitly defined through an identity linking two holomorphic functions. In this paper an explicit formula is given. Its proof is obtained by considering boundary values of holomorhic functions. This transform appears in several classical questions in analysis and probability theory: Markov moment problem, Dirichlet distributions and processes, orbital measures. An asymptotic property for this transform...

Metrics for multivariate stable distributions

John P. Nolan (2010)

Banach Center Publications

Metrics are proposed for the distance between two multivariate stable distributions. The first set of metrics are defined in terms of the closeness of the parameter functions of one dimensional projections of the laws. Convergence in these metrics is equivalent to convergence in distribution and an explicit bound on the uniform closeness of two stable densities is given. Another metric based on the Prokhorov metric between the spectral measures is related to the first metric. Consequences for approximation,...

Multiplicative monotone convolutions

Uwe Franz (2006)

Banach Center Publications

Recently, Bercovici has introduced multiplicative convolutions based on Muraki's monotone independence and shown that these convolution of probability measures correspond to the composition of some function of their Cauchy transforms. We provide a new proof of this fact based on the combinatorics of moments. We also give a new characterisation of the probability measures that can be embedded into continuous monotone convolution semigroups of probability measures on the unit circle and briefly discuss...

Noncommutative extensions of the Fourier transform and its logarithm

Romuald Lenczewski (2002)

Studia Mathematica

We introduce noncommutative extensions of the Fourier transform of probability measures and its logarithm to the algebra (S) of complex-valued functions on the free semigroup S = FS(z,w) on two generators. First, to given probability measures μ, ν with all moments finite, we associate states μ̂, ν̂ on the unital free *-bialgebra (ℬ,ε,Δ) on two self-adjoint generators X,X’ and a projection P. Then we introduce and study cumulants which are additive under the convolution μ̂* ν̂ = μ̂ ⊗ ν̂ ∘ Δ when...

On a non-Markovian queueing problem under a control operating policy and start-up times

Arun Borthakur, Ruby Gohain (1982)

Aplikace matematiky

A non-Markovian queueing system with Poisson input is studied under a modified operating rule called “control operating policy” in which the server begins “start-up” only when the queue length reaches a fixed number n ( 1 ) . By using the supplementary variable technique, the distribution of the queue length (excluding those being served) in the form of a generating function is obtained. As a special case, a Markovian queueing system with exponential start-up is discussed in detail to analyse the economic...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 155