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Characterization of unitary processes with independent and stationary increments

Lingaraj Sahu, Kalyan B. Sinha (2010)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

This is a continuation of the earlier work (Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci.45 (2009) 745–785) to characterize unitary stationary independent increment gaussian processes. The earlier assumption of uniform continuity is replaced by weak continuity and with technical assumptions on the domain of the generator, unitary equivalence of the process to the solution of an appropriate Hudson–Parthasarathy equation is proved.

Convex rearrangements of Lévy processes

Youri Davydov, Emmanuel Thilly (2007)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper we study asymptotic behavior of convex rearrangements of Lévy processes. In particular we obtain Glivenko-Cantelli-type strong limit theorems for the convexifications when the corresponding Lévy measure is regularly varying at + with exponent α ∈ (1,2).

Cost-efficiency in multivariate Lévy models

Ludger Rüschendorf, Viktor Wolf (2015)

Dependence Modeling

In this paper we determine lowest cost strategies for given payoff distributions called cost-efficient strategies in multivariate exponential Lévy models where the pricing is based on the multivariate Esscher martingale measure. This multivariate framework allows to deal with dependent price processes as arising in typical applications. Dependence of the components of the Lévy Process implies an influence even on the pricing of efficient versions of univariate payoffs.We state various relevant existence...

Couples de Wald indéfiniment divisibles. Exemples liés à la fonction gamma d'Euler et à la fonction zeta de Riemann

Bernard Roynette, Marc Yor (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A toute mesure c positive sur + telle que 0 ( x x 2 ) c ( d x ) < , nous associons un couple de Wald indéfiniment divisible, i.e. un couple de variables aléatoires ( X , H ) tel que X et H sont indéfiniment divisibles, H 0 , et pour tout λ 0 , E ( e λ X ) · E ( e - λ 2 2 H ) = 1 . Plus généralement, à une mesure c positive sur + telle que 0 e - α x x 2 c ( d x ) < pour tout α > α 0 , nous associons une “famille d’Esscher” de couples de Wald indéfiniment divisibles. Nous donnons de nombreux exemples de telles familles d’Esscher. Celles liées à la fonction gamma et à la fonction zeta de Riemann possèdent...

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