A nonparametric method of regression analysis from censored data
The author applies the test criterion of P. Rothety to the statistical analysis of the positive correclation of symmetric pairs of observations. In this particular case he arrives at some new results. His work ends with a general proof of the consistency of Rothery's test.
We investigate a relation about subadditivity of functions. Based on subadditivity of functions, we consider some conditions for continuous -norms to act as the weakest -norm -based addition. This work extends some results of Marková-Stupňanová [15], Mesiar [18].
The present article studies the conditions under which the almost everywhere convergence and the convergence in measure coincide. An application in the statistical estimation theory is outlined as well.
Estudiamos un problema abierto en los fundamentos de la estadística, el de modelizar imprecisión en preferencias y creencias dentro del marco de la utilidad esperada. Este problema fundamenta el análisis de sensibilidad en estadística bayesiana. Proporcionamos una solución en términos de utilidades esperadas dependientes del estado.
A form of the covariance matrix of a weakly stationary first-order autoregressive process is established.