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Hurwicz's estimator of the autoregressive model with non-normal innovations

Youcef Berkoun, Hocine Fellag (2011)

Applicationes Mathematicae

Using the Bahadur representation of a sample quantile for m-dependent and strong mixing random variables, we establish the asymptotic distribution of the Hurwicz estimator for the coefficient of autoregression in a linear process with innovations belonging to the domain of attraction of an α-stable law (1 < α < 2). The present paper extends Hurwicz's result to the autoregressive model.

Hyper-dependence, hyper-ageing properties and analogies between them: a semigroup-based approach

Rachele Foschi (2013)


In previous papers, evolution of dependence and ageing, for vectors of non-negative random variables, have been separately considered. Some analogies between the two evolutions emerge however in those studies. In the present paper, we propose a unified approach, based on semigroup arguments, explaining the origin of such analogies and relations among properties of stochastic dependence and ageing.

Hypotheses testing with the two-parameter Pareto distribution on the basis of records in fuzzy environment

Ali Reza Saeidi, Mohammad Ghasem Akbari, Mahdi Doostparast (2014)


In problems of testing statistical hypotheses, we may be confronted with fuzzy concepts. There are also situations in which the available data are record statistics such as weather and sports. In this paper, we consider the problem of testing fuzzy hypotheses on the basis of records. Pareto distribution is investigated in more details since it is used in applications including economic and life testing analysis. For illustrative proposes, a real data set on annual wage is analyzed using the results...

Hypothesis testing in unbalanced two-fold nested random models

Marcin Przystalski (2016)

Applicationes Mathematicae

In many applications of linear random models to multilevel data, it is of interest to test whether the random effects variance components are zero. In this paper we propose approximate tests for testing significance of variance components in the unbalanced two-fold nested random model in the presence of non-normality. In the derivations of the asymptotic distributions of the test statistics, as an intermediate result, the explicit form of the asymptotic covariance matrix of the vector of mean squares...

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