Displaying 41 – 60 of 124

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Inference on overlap coefficients under the Weibull distribution: Equal shape parameter

Obaid Al-Saidy, Hani M. Samawi, Mohammad F. Al-Saleh (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

In this paper we consider three measures of overlap, namely Matusia's measure ρ, Morisita's measure λ and Weitzman's measure Δ. These measures are usually used in quantitative ecology and stress-strength models of reliability analysis. Herein we consider two Weibull distributions having the same shape parameter and different scale parameters. This distribution is known to be the most flexible life distribution model with two parameters. Monte Carlo evaluations are used to study the bias and precision...

Inference on the location parameter of exponential populations

Maria de Fátima Brilhante, Sandra Mendonça, Dinis Duarte Pestana, Maria Luísa Rocha (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Studentization and analysis of variance are simple in Gaussian families because X̅ and S² are independent random variables. We exploit the independence of the spacings in exponential populations with location λ and scale δ to develop simple ways of dealing with inference on the location parameter, namely by developing an analysis of scale in the homocedastic independent k-sample problem.

Inferencia bayesiana en mixturas: métodos aproximados.

Enrique Caro, Juan Ignacio Domínguez, Francisco Javier Girón (1991)

Trabajos de Estadística

The problem of approximating mixtures of distributions has received considerable attention recently. In this paper we consider problems of estimating the mixing proportions of a finite mixture from a Bayesian perspective. The problems which arise from this methodology are basically approximations of finite measures of distributions. We propose two approximating methods and prove that under certain conditions both methods are asymptotically equivalent to a third method, which turns out to be simpler...

Inferring the residual waiting time for binary stationary time series

Gusztáv Morvai, Benjamin Weiss (2014)


For a binary stationary time series define σ n to be the number of consecutive ones up to the first zero encountered after time n , and consider the problem of estimating the conditional distribution and conditional expectation of σ n after one has observed the first n outputs. We present a sequence of stopping times and universal estimators for these quantities which are pointwise consistent for all ergodic binary stationary processes. In case the process is a renewal process with zero the renewal state...

Influence diagnostics in exponentiated-Weibull regression models with censored data.

Edwin M. M. Ortega, Vicente G. Cancho, Heleno Bolfarine (2006)


Diagnostic methods have been an important tool in regression analysis to detect anomalies, such as departures from the error assumptions and the presence of outliers and influential observations with the fitted models. The literature provides plenty of approaches for detecting outlying or influential observations in data sets. In this paper, we follow the local influence approach (Cook 1986) in detecting influential observations with exponentiated-Weibull regression models. The relevance of the...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 124