Displaying 661 – 680 of 838

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Application des lois non paramétriques dans les systèmes d’attente et la théorie de renouvellement

Smail Adjabi, Karima Lagha, Amar Aïssani (2004)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

Les distributions non paramétriques de survie trouvent, de plus en plus, des applications dans des domaines très variés, à savoir : théorie de fiabilité et analyse de survie, files d’attente, maintenance, gestion de stock, théorie de l’économie, ... L’objet de ce travail est d’utiliser les bornes inférieures et supérieures (en terme de la moyenne) des fonctions de fiabilité appartenant aux classes de distribution de type I F R , D F R , N B U et N W U , présentées par Sengupta (1994), pour l’évaluation de certaines caractéristiques....

Application des lois non paramétriques dans les systèmes d'attente et la théorie de renouvellement

Smail Adjabi, Karima Lagha, Amar Aïssani (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Les distributions non paramétriques de survie trouvent, de plus en plus, des applications dans des domaines très variés, à savoir: théorie de fiabilité et analyse de survie, files d'attente, maintenance, gestion de stock, théorie de l'économie, ... L'objet de ce travail est d'utiliser les bornes inférieures et supérieures (en terme de la moyenne) des fonctions de fiabilité appartenant aux classes de distribution de type IFR, DFR, NBU et NWU, présentées par Sengupta (1994), pour l'évaluation de...

Application of biregressional designs to electrodialytic removal of heavy metals from contaminated matrices

Alexandra B. Ribeiro, Eduardo P. Mateus (2010)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Given a base design with quantitative factors and a primary linear regression to each of the treatments, we may adjust secondary regressions of linear combinations of the adjusted coefficients on the primary regressions on the factor levels, thus obtaining a biregressional model. A biregressional design was established for a set of treatments, defined from quantitative factors and a linear regression in the same variables. Afterwards the action of the regression coefficients...

Application of HLM to data with multilevel structure

Vítor Valente, Teresa A. Oliveira (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

Many data sets analyzed in human and social sciences have a multilevel or hierarchical structure. By hierarchy we mean that units of a certain level (also referred micro units) are grouped into, or nested within, higher level (or macro) units. In these cases, the units within a cluster tend to be more different than units from other clusters, i.e., they are correlated. Thus, unlike in the classical setting where there exists a single source of variation between observational units, the heterogeneity...

Application of Mazur-Orlicz's theorem in AMISE calculation

Karol Dziedziul (2002)

Applicationes Mathematicae

An approximation error and an asymptotic formula are given for shift invariant operators of polynomial order ϱ. Density estimators based on shift invariant operators are introduced and AMISE is calculated.

Application of MCMC to change point detection

Jaromír Antoch, David Legát (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

A nonstandard approach to change point estimation is presented in this paper. Three models with random coefficients and Bayesian approach are used for modelling the year average temperatures measured in Prague Klementinum. The posterior distribution of the change point and other parameters are estimated from the random samples generated by the combination of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and the Gibbs sampler.

Application of the random field theory in PET imaging - injection dose optimization

Jiří Dvořák, Jiří Boldyš, Magdaléna Skopalová, Otakar Bělohlávek (2013)


This work presents new application of the random field theory in medical imaging. Results from both integral geometry and random field theory can be used to detect locations with significantly increased radiotracer uptake in images from positron emission tomography (PET). The assumptions needed to use these results are verified on a set of real and simulated phantom images. The proposed method of detecting activation (locations with increased radiotracer concentration) is used to quantify the quality...

Application of the Rasch model in categorical pedigree analysis using MCEM: I binary data

G. Qian, R. M. Huggins, D. Z. Loesch (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

An extension of the Rasch model with correlated latent variables is proposed to model correlated binary data within families. The latent variables have the classical correlation structure of Fisher (1918) and the model parameters thus have genetic interpretations. The proposed model is fitted to data using a hybrid of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm and the MCEM modification of the EM-algorithm and is illustrated using genotype-phenotype data on a psychological subtest in families where some members...

Currently displaying 661 – 680 of 838