Displaying 21 – 40 of 656

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On a distance between estimable functions.

Concepción Arenas Solá (1989)


In this paper we study the main properties of a distance introduced by C.M. Cuadras (1974). This distance is a generalization of the well-known Mahalanobis distance between populations to a distance between parametric estimable functions inside the multivariate analysis of variance model. Reduction of dimension properties, invariant properties under linear automorphisms, estimation of the distance, distribution under normality as well as the interpretation as a geodesic distance are studied and...

On a famous problem of induction.

José M. Bernardo (1985)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

A Bayesian solution is provided to the problem of testing whether an entire finite population shows a certain characteristic, given that all the elements of a random sample are observed to have it. This is obtained as a direct application of existing theory and, it is argued, improves upon Jeffrey's solution.

On a general structure of the bivariate FGM type distributions

Sayed Mohsen Mirhosseini, Mohammad Amini, Ali Dolati (2015)

Applications of Mathematics

In this paper, we study a general structure for the so-called Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern (FGM) family of bivariate distributions. Through examples we show how to use the proposed structure to study dependence properties of the FGM type distributions by a general approach.

On a linearization of regression models

Lubomír Kubáček (1995)

Applications of Mathematics

An approximate value of a parameter in a nonlinear regression model is known in many cases. In such situation a linearization of the model is possible however it is important to recognize, whether the difference between the actual value of the parameter and the approximate value does not cause significant changes, e.g., in the bias of the estimator or in its variance, etc. Some rules suitable for a solution of this problem are given in the paper.

On a problem by Schweizer and Sklar

Fabrizio Durante (2012)


We give a representation of the class of all n -dimensional copulas such that, for a fixed m , 2 m < n , all their m -dimensional margins are equal to the independence copula. Such an investigation originated from an open problem posed by Schweizer and Sklar.

On a robust significance test for the Cox regression model

Tadeusz Bednarski, Filip Borowicz (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Probability and Statistics

A robust significance testing method for the Cox regression model, based on a modified Wald test statistic, is discussed. Using Monte Carlo experiments the asymptotic behavior of the modified robust versions of the Wald statistic is compared with the standard significance test for the Cox model based on the log likelihood ratio test statistic.

Currently displaying 21 – 40 of 656