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Linearization regions for a confidence ellipsoid in singular nonlinear regression models

Lubomír Kubáček, Eva Tesaříková (2009)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

A construction of confidence regions in nonlinear regression models is difficult mainly in the case that the dimension of an estimated vector parameter is large. A singularity is also a problem. Therefore some simple approximation of an exact confidence region is welcome. The aim of the paper is to give a small modification of a confidence ellipsoid constructed in a linearized model which is sufficient under some conditions for an approximation of the exact confidence region.

Linearization regions for confidence ellipsoids

Lubomír Kubáček, Eva Tesaříková (2008)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

If an observation vector in a nonlinear regression model is normally distributed, then an algorithm for a determination of the exact ( 1 - α ) -confidence region for the parameter of the mean value of the observation vector is well known. However its numerical realization is tedious and therefore it is of some interest to find some condition which enables us to construct this region in a simpler way.

Linearized models with constraints of type I

Lubomír Kubáček (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

In nonlinear regression models with constraints a linearization of the model leads to a bias in estimators of parameters of the mean value of the observation vector. Some criteria how to recognize whether a linearization is possible is developed. In the case that they are not satisfied, it is necessary to decide whether some quadratic corrections can make the estimator better. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the solution of the problem.

Linearized regression model with constraints of type II

Lubomír Kubáček (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

A linearization of the nonlinear regression model causes a bias in estimators of model parameters. It can be eliminated, e.g., either by a proper choice of the point where the model is developed into the Taylor series or by quadratic corrections of linear estimators. The aim of the paper is to obtain formulae for biases and variances of estimators in linearized models and also for corrected estimators.

Linear-quadratic estimators in a special structure of the linear model

Gejza Wimmer (1995)

Applications of Mathematics

The paper deals with the linear model with uncorrelated observations. The dispersions of the values observed are linear-quadratic functions of the unknown parameters of the mean (measurements by devices of a given class of precision). Investigated are the locally best linear-quadratic unbiased estimators as improvements of locally best linear unbiased estimators in the case that the design matrix has none, one or two linearly dependent rows.

M -estimation in nonlinear regression for longitudinal data

Martina Orsáková (2007)


The longitudinal regression model Z i j = m ( θ 0 , 𝕏 i ( T i j ) ) + ε i j , where Z i j is the j th measurement of the i th subject at random time T i j , m is the regression function, 𝕏 i ( T i j ) is a predictable covariate process observed at time T i j and ε i j is a noise, is studied in marked point process framework. In this paper we introduce the assumptions which guarantee the consistency and asymptotic normality of smooth M -estimator of unknown parameter θ 0 .

M -estimators of structural parameters in pseudolinear models

Friedrich Liese, Igor Vajda (1999)

Applications of Mathematics

Real valued M -estimators θ ^ n : = min 1 n ρ ( Y i - τ ( θ ) ) in a statistical model with observations Y i F θ 0 are replaced by p -valued M -estimators β ^ n : = min 1 n ρ ( Y i - τ ( u ( z i T β ) ) ) in a new model with observations Y i F u ( z i t β 0 ) , where z i p are regressors, β 0 p is a structural parameter and u : a structural function of the new model. Sufficient conditions for the consistency of β ^ n are derived, motivated by the sufficiency conditions for the simpler “parent estimator” θ ^ n . The result is a general method of consistent estimation in a class of nonlinear (pseudolinear) statistical problems. If...

Making use of incomplete observations for regression in bivariate normal model

Joanna Tarasińska (2003)

Applications of Mathematics

Two estimates of the regression coefficient in bivariate normal distribution are considered: the usual one based on a sample and a new one making use of additional observations of one of the variables. They are compared with respect to variance. The same is done for two regression lines. The conclusion is that the additional observations are worth using only when the sample is very small.

Marginal problem, statistical estimation, and Möbius formula

Martin Janžura (2007)


A solution to the marginal problem is obtained in a form of parametric exponential (Gibbs–Markov) distribution, where the unknown parameters are obtained by an optimization procedure that agrees with the maximum likelihood (ML) estimate. With respect to a difficult performance of the method we propose also an alternative approach, providing the original basis of marginals can be appropriately extended. Then the (numerically feasible) solution can be obtained either by the maximum pseudo-likelihood...

Maximum likelihood estimates and confidence intervals of an M/M/R/N queue with balking and heterogeneous servers

Kuo-Hsiung Wang, Sheau-Chyi Chen, Jau-Chuan Ke (2004)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

This paper considers an M/M/R/N queue with heterogeneous servers in which customers balk (do not enter) with a constant probability ( 1 - b ) . We develop the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters for the M/M/R/N queue with balking and heterogeneous servers. This is a generalization of the M/M/2 queue with heterogeneous servers (without balking), and the M/M/2/N queue with balking and heterogeneous servers in the literature. We also develop the confidence interval formula for the parameter ρ , the...

Maximum likelihood estimates and confidence intervals of an M/M/R/N queue with balking and heterogeneous servers

Kuo-Hsiung Wang, Sheau-Chyi Chen, Jau-Chuan Ke (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

This paper considers an M/M/R/N queue with heterogeneous servers in which customers balk (do not enter) with a constant probability (1 - b). We develop the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters for the M/M/R/N queue with balking and heterogeneous servers. This is a generalization of the M/M/2 queue with heterogeneous servers (without balking), and the M/M/2/N queue with balking and heterogeneous servers in the literature. We also develop the confidence interval formula for the parameter...

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 439