Displaying 261 – 280 of 377

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Proposition de préconditionneurs pseudo-différentiels pour l’équation CFIE de l’électromagnétisme

David P. Levadoux (2005)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

We present a weak parametrix of the operator of the CFIE equation. An interesting feature of this parametrix is that it is compatible with different discretization strategies and hence allows for the construction of efficient preconditioners dedicated to the CFIE. Furthermore, one shows that the underlying operator of the CFIE verifies an uniform discrete Inf-Sup condition which allows to predict an original convergence result of the numerical solution of the CFIE to the exact one.

Proposition de préconditionneurs pseudo-différentiels pour l'équation CFIE de l'électromagnétisme

David P. Levadoux (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

On exhibe dans cette note une paramétrix (au sens faible) de l'opérateur sous-jacent à l'équation CFIE de l'électromagnétisme. L'intérêt de cette paramétrix est de se prêter à différentes stratégies de discrétisation et ainsi de pouvoir être utilisée comme préconditionneur de la CFIE. On montre aussi que l'opérateur sous-jacent à la CFIE satisfait une condition Inf-Sup discrète uniforme, applicable aux espaces de discrétisation usuellement rencontrés en électromagnétisme, et qui permet d'établir...

Quasi-Interpolation and A Posteriori Error Analysis in Finite Element Methods

Carsten Carstensen (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

One of the main tools in the proof of residual-based a posteriori error estimates is a quasi-interpolation operator due to Clément. We modify this operator in the setting of a partition of unity with the effect that the approximation error has a local average zero. This results in a new residual-based a posteriori error estimate with a volume contribution which is smaller than in the standard estimate. For an elliptic model problem, we discuss applications to conforming, nonconforming and mixed...

Richardson extrapolation and defect correction of mixed finite element methods for integro-differential equations in porous media

Shanghui Jia, Deli Li, Tang Liu, Shu Hua Zhang (2008)

Applications of Mathematics

Asymptotic error expansions in the sense of L -norm for the Raviart-Thomas mixed finite element approximation by the lowest-order rectangular element associated with a class of parabolic integro-differential equations on a rectangular domain are derived, such that the Richardson extrapolation of two different schemes and an interpolation defect correction can be applied to increase the accuracy of the approximations for both the vector field and the scalar field by the aid of an interpolation postprocessing...

Single-use reliability computation of a semi-Markovian system

Guglielmo D'Amico (2014)

Applications of Mathematics

Markov chain usage models were successfully used to model systems and software. The most prominent approaches are the so-called failure state models Whittaker and Thomason (1994) and the arc-based Bayesian models Sayre and Poore (2000). In this paper we propose arc-based semi-Markov usage models to test systems. We extend previous studies that rely on the Markov chain assumption to the more general semi-Markovian setting. Among the obtained results we give a closed form representation of the first...

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 377