A Construction of Monotonically Convergent Sequences from Successive Approximations in Certain Banach Spaces.
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Numerische Mathematik
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Annales Polonici Mathematici
Many discrepancy principles are known for choosing the parameter α in the regularized operator equation , , in order to approximate the minimal norm least-squares solution of the operator equation Tx = y. We consider a class of discrepancy principles for choosing the regularization parameter when T*T and are approximated by Aₙ and respectively with Aₙ not necessarily self-adjoint. This procedure generalizes the work of Engl and Neubauer (1985), and particular cases of the results are applicable...
François Golse, Shi Jin, C. David Levermore (2003)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
We present a domain decomposition theory on an interface problem for the linear transport equation between a diffusive and a non-diffusive region. To leading order, i.e. up to an error of the order of the mean free path in the diffusive region, the solution in the non-diffusive region is independent of the density in the diffusive region. However, the diffusive and the non-diffusive regions are coupled at the interface at the next order of approximation. In particular, our algorithm avoids iterating...
François Golse, Shi Jin, C. David Levermore (2010)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
We present a domain decomposition theory on an interface problem for the linear transport equation between a diffusive and a non-diffusive region. To leading order, i.e. up to an error of the order of the mean free path in the diffusive region, the solution in the non-diffusive region is independent of the density in the diffusive region. However, the diffusive and the non-diffusive regions are coupled at the interface at the next order of approximation. In particular, our algorithm avoids iterating...
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Aequationes mathematicae
Nassar H.S. Haidar (1994)
Aequationes mathematicae
José Antonio Ezquerro, Daniel González, Miguel Ángel Hernández (2013)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
From Kantorovich’s theory we present a semilocal convergence result for Newton’s method which is based mainly on a modification of the condition required to the second derivative of the operator involved. In particular, instead of requiring that the second derivative is bounded, we demand that it is centered. As a consequence, we obtain a modification of the starting points for Newton’s method. We illustrate this study with applications to nonlinear integral equations of mixed Hammerstein type.
José Antonio Ezquerro, Daniel González, Miguel Ángel Hernández (2012)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
From Kantorovich’s theory we present a semilocal convergence result for Newton’s method which is based mainly on a modification of the condition required to the second derivative of the operator involved. In particular, instead of requiring that the second derivative is bounded, we demand that it is centered. As a consequence, we obtain a modification of the starting points for Newton’s method. We illustrate this study with applications to nonlinear...
Miroslav Dont (2000)
Applications of Mathematics
The Fourier problem on planar domains with time variable boundary is considered using integral equations. A simple numerical method for the integral equation is described and the convergence of the method is proved. It is shown how to approximate the solution of the Fourier problem and how to estimate the error. A numerical example is given.
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Applicationes Mathematicae
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ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique
This paper proposes and analyzes a BEM-FEM scheme to approximate a time-harmonic diffusion problem in the plane with non-constant coefficients in a bounded area. The model is set as a Helmholtz transmission problem with adsorption and with non-constant coefficients in a bounded domain. We reformulate the problem as a four-field system. For the temperature and the heat flux we use piecewise constant functions and lowest order Raviart-Thomas elements associated to a triangulation approximating the...
María-Luisa Rapún, Francisco-Javier Sayas (2007)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis
This paper proposes and analyzes a BEM-FEM scheme to approximate a time-harmonic diffusion problem in the plane with non-constant coefficients in a bounded area. The model is set as a Helmholtz transmission problem with adsorption and with non-constant coefficients in a bounded domain. We reformulate the problem as a four-field system. For the temperature and the heat flux we use piecewise constant functions and lowest order Raviart-Thomas elements associated to a triangulation approximating the...
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International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
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