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An adaptive s -step conjugate gradient algorithm with dynamic basis updating

Erin Claire Carson (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

The adaptive s -step CG algorithm is a solver for sparse symmetric positive definite linear systems designed to reduce the synchronization cost per iteration while still achieving a user-specified accuracy requirement. In this work, we improve the adaptive s -step conjugate gradient algorithm by the use of iteratively updated estimates of the largest and smallest Ritz values, which give approximations of the largest and smallest eigenvalues of A , using a technique due to G. Meurant and P. Tichý (2018)....

An implicit scheme to solve a system of ODEs arising from the space discretization of nonlinear diffusion equations

Éric Boillat (2001)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In this article, we consider the initial value problem which is obtained after a space discretization (with space step h ) of the equations governing the solidification process of a multicomponent alloy. We propose a numerical scheme to solve numerically this initial value problem. We prove an error estimate which is not affected by the step size h chosen in the space discretization. Consequently, our scheme provides global convergence without any stability condition between h and the time step size...

An implicit scheme to solve a system of ODEs arising from the space discretization of nonlinear diffusion equations

Éric Boillat (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

In this article, we consider the initial value problem which is obtained after a space discretization (with space step h) of the equations governing the solidification process of a multicomponent alloy. We propose a numerical scheme to solve numerically this initial value problem. We prove an error estimate which is not affected by the step size h chosen in the space discretization. Consequently, our scheme provides global convergence without any stability condition between h and the time...

An introduction to hierarchical matrices

Wolfgang Hackbusch, Lars Grasedyck, Steffen Börm (2002)

Mathematica Bohemica

We give a short introduction to a method for the data-sparse approximation of matrices resulting from the discretisation of non-local operators occurring in boundary integral methods or as the inverses of partial differential operators. The result of the approximation will be the so-called hierarchical matrices (or short -matrices). These matrices form a subset of the set of all matrices and have a data-sparse representation. The essential operations for these matrices (matrix-vector and matrix-matrix...

Application of a Higher Order Discontinuous Galerkin

A. V. Wolkov, Ch. Hirsch, N. B. Petrovskaya (2011)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

We discuss the issues of implementation of a higher order discontinuous Galerkin (DG) scheme for aerodynamics computations. In recent years a DG method has intensively been studied at Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) where a computational code has been designed for numerical solution of the 3-D Euler and Navier-Stokes equations. Our discussion is mainly based on the results of the DG study conducted in TsAGI in collaboration with the NUMECA...

Automatic differentiation platform : design

Christèle Faure (2002)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

Automatic differentiation (AD) has proven its interest in many fields of applied mathematics, but it is still not widely used. Furthermore, existing numerical methods have been developed under the hypotheses that computing program derivatives is not affordable for real size problems. Exact derivatives have therefore been avoided, or replaced by approximations computed by divided differences. The hypotheses is no longer true due to the maturity of AD added to the quick evolution of machine capacity....

Automatic Differentiation Platform: Design

Christèle Faure (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis

Automatic differentiation (AD) has proven its interest in many fields of applied mathematics, but it is still not widely used. Furthermore, existing numerical methods have been developed under the hypotheses that computing program derivatives is not affordable for real size problems. Exact derivatives have therefore been avoided, or replaced by approximations computed by divided differences. The hypotheses is no longer true due to the maturity of AD added to the quick evolution of machine capacity....

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