Displaying 101 – 120 of 4962

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A discussion on aggregation operators

Daniel Gómez, Montero, Javier (2004)


It has been lately made very clear that aggregation processes can not be based upon a unique binary operator. Global aggregation operators have been therefore introduced as families of aggregation operators { T n } n , being each one of these T n the n -ary operator actually amalgamating information whenever the number of items to be aggregated is n . Of course, some mathematical restrictions can be introduced, in order to assure an appropriate meaning, consistency and key mathematical capabilities. In this...

A Distance-Based Method for Attribute Reduction in Incomplete Decision Systems

Demetrovics, Janos, Thi, Vu Duc, Giang, Nguyen Long (2013)

Serdica Journal of Computing

There are limitations in recent research undertaken on attribute reduction in incomplete decision systems. In this paper, we propose a distance-based method for attribute reduction in an incomplete decision system. In addition, we prove theoretically that our method is more effective than some other methods.

A distributed transportation simplex applied to a Content Distribution Network problem

Rafaelli de C. Coutinho, Lúcia M. A. Drummond, Yuri Frota (2014)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

A Content Distribution Network (CDN) can be defined as an overlay system that replicates copies of contents at multiple points of a network, close to the final users, with the objective of improving data access. CDN technology is widely used for the distribution of large-sized contents, like in video streaming. In this paper we address the problem of finding the best server for each customer request in CDNs, in order to minimize the overall cost. We consider the problem as a transportation problem...

A distributed voting scheme to maximize preferences

Peter Auer, Nicolò Cesa-Bianchi (2006)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We study the problem of designing a distributed voting scheme for electing a candidate that maximizes the preferences of a set of agents. We assume the preference of agent i for candidate j is a real number xi,j, and we do not make any assumptions on the mechanism generating these preferences. We show simple randomized voting schemes guaranteeing the election of a candidate whose expected total preference is nearly the highest among all candidates. The algorithms we consider are designed so that...

A dynamic model of classifier competence based on the local fuzzy confusion matrix and the random reference classifier

Pawel Trajdos, Marek Kurzynski (2016)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Nowadays, multiclassifier systems (MCSs) are being widely applied in various machine learning problems and in many different domains. Over the last two decades, a variety of ensemble systems have been developed, but there is still room for improvement. This paper focuses on developing competence and interclass cross-competence measures which can be applied as a method for classifiers combination. The cross-competence measure allows an ensemble to harness pieces of information obtained from incompetent...

A factor graph based genetic algorithm

B. Hoda Helmi, Adel T. Rahmani, Martin Pelikan (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We propose a new linkage learning genetic algorithm called the Factor Graph based Genetic Algorithm (FGGA). In the FGGA, a factor graph is used to encode the underlying dependencies between variables of the problem. In order to learn the factor graph from a population of potential solutions, a symmetric non-negative matrix factorization is employed to factorize the matrix of pair-wise dependencies. To show the performance of the FGGA, encouraging experimental results on different separable problems...

A family of hyperbolic-type control schemes for robot manipulators

Fernando Reyes-Cortes, Olga Felix-Beltran, Jaime Cid-Monjaraz, Gweni Alonso-Aruffo (2019)


This paper deals with the global position control problem of robot manipulators in joint space, a new family of control schemes consisting of a suitable combination of hyperbolic functions is presented. The proposed control family includes a large class of bounded hyperbolic-type control schemes to drive both position error and derivative action terms plus gravity compensation. To ensure global asymptotic stability of closed-loop system equilibrium point, we propose an energy-shaping based strict...

A family of model predictive control algorithms with artificial neural networks

Maciej Ławryńczuk (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper details nonlinear Model-based Predictive Control (MPC) algorithms for MIMO processes modelled by means of neural networks of a feedforward structure. Two general MPC techniques are considered: the one with Nonlinear Optimisation (MPC-NO) and the one with Nonlinear Prediction and Linearisation (MPC-NPL). In the first case a nonlinear optimisation problem is solved in real time on-line. In order to reduce the computational burden, in the second case a neural model of the process is used...

A fast Lagrangian heuristic for large-scale capacitated lot-size problems with restricted cost structures

Kjetil K. Haugen, Guillaume Lanquepin-Chesnais, Asmund Olstad (2012)


In this paper, we demonstrate the computational consequences of making a simple assumption on production cost structures in capacitated lot-size problems. Our results indicate that our cost assumption of increased productivity over time has dramatic effects on the problem sizes which are solvable. Our experiments indicate that problems with more than 1000 products in more than 1000 time periods may be solved within reasonable time. The Lagrangian decomposition algorithm we use does of course not...

A Finite Axiomatization of Nondeterministic Regular Expressions

Flavio Corradini, Rocco De Nicola, Anna Labella (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

An alternative (tree-based) semantics for a class of regular expressions is proposed that assigns a central rôle to the + operator and thus to nondeterminism and nondeterministic choice. For the new semantics a consistent and complete axiomatization is obtained from the original axiomatization of regular expressions by Salomaa and by Kozen by dropping the idempotence law for + and the distribution law of • over +.

A Finite Characterization and Recognition of Intersection Graphs of Hypergraphs with Rank at Most 3 and Multiplicity at Most 2 in the Class of Threshold Graphs

Yury Metelsky, Kseniya Schemeleva, Frank Werner (2017)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We characterize the class [...] L32 L 3 2 of intersection graphs of hypergraphs with rank at most 3 and multiplicity at most 2 by means of a finite list of forbidden induced subgraphs in the class of threshold graphs. We also give an O(n)-time algorithm for the recognition of graphs from [...] L32 L 3 2 in the class of threshold graphs, where n is the number of vertices of a tested graph.

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 4962