Displaying 121 – 140 of 181

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EuDML—Towards the European Digital Mathematics Library

Sylwestrzak, Wojtek, Borbinha, José, Bouche, Thierry, Nowiński, Aleksander, Sojka, Petr (2010)

Towards a Digital Mathematics Library. Paris, France, July 7-8th, 2010

The paper describes the background, the expected functionalities, and the architecture design goals of the European Digital Mathematics Library (Eu-DML), an infrastructure system aimed to integrate the mathematical contents available online throughout Europe, allowing for both extensive and specialized mathematics resource discovery. The three years long project to build the EuDML, partially funded by the European Commission, started in February 2010.

Euler's Polyhedron Formula

Jesse Alama (2008)

Formalized Mathematics

Euler's polyhedron theorem states for a polyhedron p, thatV - E + F = 2,where V, E, and F are, respectively, the number of vertices, edges, and faces of p. The formula was first stated in print by Euler in 1758 [11]. The proof given here is based on Poincaré's linear algebraic proof, stated in [17] (with a corrected proof in [18]), as adapted by Imre Lakatos in the latter's Proofs and Refutations [15].As is well known, Euler's formula is not true for all polyhedra. The condition on polyhedra considered...

Evaluating many valued modus ponens

Dana Hliněná, Vladislav Biba (2012)


This paper deals with many valued case of modus ponens. Cases with implicative and with clausal rules are studied. Many valued modus ponens via discrete connectives is studied with implicative rules as well as with clausal rules. Some properties of discrete modus ponens operator are given.

Evaluating the Kernighan-Lin heuristic for hardware/software partitioning

Zoltán Mann, András Orbán, Viktor Farkas (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In recent years, several heuristics have been proposed for the hardware/software partitioning problem. One of the most promising directions is the adaptation of the Kernighan-Lin algorithm. The Kernighan-Lin heuristic was originally developed for circuit partitioning, but it has been adapted to other domains as well. Moreover, numerous improvements have been suggested so that now several variants of the original algorithm exist. The aim of this paper is to systematically evaluate the possibilities...

Even kernels.

Fraenkel, Aviezri (1994)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]

Event-Based Proof of the Mutual Exclusion Property of Peterson’s Algorithm

Ievgen Ivanov, Mykola Nikitchenko, Uri Abraham (2015)

Formalized Mathematics

Proving properties of distributed algorithms is still a highly challenging problem and various approaches that have been proposed to tackle it [1] can be roughly divided into state-based and event-based proofs. Informally speaking, state-based approaches define the behavior of a distributed algorithm as a set of sequences of memory states during its executions, while event-based approaches treat the behaviors by means of events which are produced by the executions of an algorithm. Of course, combined...

Evolutionary algorithms for job-shop scheduling

Khaled Mesghouni, Slim Hammadi, Pierre Borne (2004)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

This paper explains how to use Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) to deal with a flexible job shop scheduling problem, especially minimizing the makespan. The Job-shop Scheduling Problem (JSP) is one of the most difficult problems, as it is classified as an NP-complete one (Carlier and Chretienne, 1988; Garey and Johnson, 1979). In many cases, the combination of goals and resources exponentially increases the search space, and thus the generation of consistently good scheduling is particularly difficult...

Evolutionary training for Dynamical Recurrent Neural Networks: an application in finantial time series prediction.

Miguel Delgado, M. Carmen Pegalajar, Manuel Pegalajar Cuéllar (2006)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Theoretical and experimental studies have shown that traditional training algorithms for Dynamical Recurrent Neural Networks may suffer of local optima solutions, due to the error propagation across the recurrence. In the last years, many researchers have put forward different approaches to solve this problem, most of them being based on heuristic procedures. In this paper, the training capabilities of evolutionary techniques are studied, for Dynamical Recurrent Neural Networks. The performance...

Evolution-fuzzy rule based system with parameterized consequences

Piotr Czekalski (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

While using automated learning methods, the lack of accuracy and poor knowledge generalization are both typical problems for a rule-based system obtained on a given data set. This paper introduces a new method capable of generating an accurate rule-based fuzzy inference system with parameterized consequences using an automated, off-line learning process based on multi-phase evolutionary computing and a training data covering algorithm. The presented method consists of the following steps: obtaining...

Evolving co-adapted subcomponents in assembler encoding

Tomasz Praczyk (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The paper presents a new Artificial Neural Network (ANN) encoding method called Assembler Encoding (AE). It assumes that the ANN is encoded in the form of a program (Assembler Encoding Program, AEP) of a linear organization and of a structure similar to the structure of a simple assembler program. The task of the AEP is to create a Connectivity Matrix (CM) which can be transformed into the ANN of any architecture. To create AEPs, and in consequence ANNs, genetic algorithms (GAs) are used. In addition...

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 181