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Langage de Łukasiewicz et diagonales de séries formelles

Isabelle Fagnot (1996)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Dans un corps fini, toute série formelle algébrique en une indéterminée est la diagonale d'une fraction rationnelle en deux indéterminées (Furstenberg 67). Dans cet article, nous donnons une nouvelle preuve de ce résultat, par des méthodes purement combinatoires.

Langages persistants

A. Alaiwan (1984)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Learning deterministic regular grammars from stochastic samples in polynomial time

Rafael C. Carrasco, Jose Oncina (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

In this paper, the identification of stochastic regular languages is addressed. For this purpose, we propose a class of algorithms which allow for the identification of the structure of the minimal stochastic automaton generating the language. It is shown that the time needed grows only linearly with the size of the sample set and a measure of the complexity of the task is provided. Experimentally, our implementation proves very fast for application purposes.

Learning extremal regulator implementation by a stochastic automaton and stochastic approximation theory

Ivan Brůha (1980)

Aplikace matematiky

There exist many different approaches to the investigation of the characteristics of learning system. These approaches use different branches of mathematics and, thus, obtain different results, some of them are too complicated and others do not match the results of practical experiments. This paper presents the modelling of learning systems by means of stochastic automate, mainly one particular model of a learning extremal regulator. The proof of convergence is based on Dvoretzky's Theorem on stochastic...

Learning tree languages from text

Henning Fernau (2007)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

We study the problem of learning regular tree languages from text. We show that the framework of function distinguishability, as introduced by the author in [Theoret. Comput. Sci.290 (2003) 1679–1711], can be generalized from the case of string languages towards tree languages. This provides a large source of identifiable classes of regular tree languages. Each of these classes can be characterized in various ways. Moreover, we present a generic inference algorithm with polynomial update time...

Left-to-right regular languages and two-way restarting automata

Friedrich Otto (2009)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

It is shown that the class of left-to-right regular languages coincides with the class of languages that are accepted by monotone deterministic RL-automata, in this way establishing a close correspondence between a classical parsing algorithm and a certain restricted type of analysis by reduction.

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