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Strong functors and interleaving fixpoints in game semantics

Pierre Clairambault (2013)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

We describe a sequent calculus μLJ with primitives for inductive and coinductive datatypes and equip it with reduction rules allowing a sound translation of Gödel’s system T. We introduce the notion of a μ-closed category, relying on a uniform interpretation of open μLJ formulas as strong functors. We show that any μ-closed category is a sound model for μLJ. We then turn to the construction of a concrete μ-closed category based on Hyland-Ong game semantics. The model relies on three main ingredients:...

The Diamond Tool: a way of effective development and utilization of knowledge

Zdenko Staníček, Filip Procházka (2004)


This paper presents the Diamond Tool for knowledge management. The main objective of its specification and implementation was to create a universal and easily extendable tool for efficient work with knowledge. One of its extensions is the eTrium technology. The principal idea behind this technology is to represent explicitly the knowledge used by the information system by means of a knowledge agent built on the Diamond Tool – in contrary to current approaches, where knowledge is present implicitly...

Towards a logic of semiotic systems

Constantin Thiopoulos (1992)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

The rationalistic denotational approach to semantics is not adequate for capturing the structural dimension of meaning, which is immanent in semiotic systems. The demand for a structural approach to semantics is intensified by a turn in Artificial Intelligence, introduced by Connectionism and Information Retrieval. This paper presents such a structural approach to semantics founded on the phenomenological and autopoietic paradigms and proposes a formalization with the help of category theory.

Transformation of dynamic aspects of UML models into LOTOS behaviour expressions

Bogumiła Hnatkowska, Zbigniew Huzar (2001)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

The lack of formal semantics for the UML creates many ambiguity problems, especially when real-time systems are specified. The paper proposes an approach to a formal definition of UML statecharts. Main features of the UML statecharts are described, and next, a transformation of the UML statecharts into LOTOS is defined.

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