Displaying 1281 – 1300 of 1376

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Uniqueness of invariant product measures for elliptic infinite dimensional diffusions and particle spin systems

Alejandro F. Ramírez (2010)

ESAIM: Probability and Statistics

Consider an infinite dimensional diffusion process process on TZd, where T is the circle, defined by the action of its generator L on C2(TZd) local functions as L f ( η ) = i 𝐙 d 1 2 a i 2 f η i 2 + b i f η i . Assume that the coefficients, ai and bi are smooth, bounded, finite range with uniformly bounded second order partial derivatives, that ai is only a function of η i and that inf i , η a i ( η ) > 0 . Suppose ν is an invariant product measure. Then, if ν is the Lebesgue measure or if d=1,2, it is the unique invariant measure. Furthermore, if ν is translation...

Universality for certain hermitian Wigner matrices under weak moment conditions

Kurt Johansson (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

We study the universality of the local eigenvalue statistics of Gaussian divisible Hermitian Wigner matrices. These random matrices are obtained by adding an independent GUE matrix to an Hermitian random matrix with independent elements, a Wigner matrix. We prove that Tracy–Widom universality holds at the edge in this class of random matrices under the optimal moment condition that there is a uniform bound on the fourth moment of the matrix elements. Furthermore, we show that universality holds...

Universality for conformally invariant intersection exponents

Gregory Lawler, Wendelin Werner (2000)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We construct a class of conformally invariant measures on sets (or paths) and we study the critical exponents called intersection exponents associated to these measures. We show that these exponents exist and that they correspond to intersection exponents between planar Brownian motions. More precisely, using the definitions and results of our paper [27], we show that any set defined under such a conformal invariant measure behaves exactly as a pack (containing maybe a non-integer number) of Brownian...

Universality of slow decorrelation in KPZ growth

Ivan Corwin, Patrik L. Ferrari, Sandrine Péché (2012)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

There has been much success in describing the limiting spatial fluctuations of growth models in the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang (KPZ) universality class. A proper rescaling of time should introduce a non-trivial temporal dimension to these limiting fluctuations. In one-dimension, the KPZ class has the dynamical scaling exponent z = 3/2, that means one should find a universal space–time limiting process under the scaling of time as tT, space like t2/3X and fluctuations like t1/3 as t → ∞. In this paper we...

Upper bounds for a class of energies containing a non-local term

Arkady Poliakovsky (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this paper we construct upper bounds for families of functionals of the form E ε ( φ ) : = Ω ε | φ | 2 + 1 ε W ( φ ) d x + 1 ε N | H ¯ F ( φ ) | 2 d x where Δ H ¯ u = div { χ Ω u}. Particular cases of such functionals arise in Micromagnetics. We also use our technique to construct upper bounds for functionals that appear in a variational formulation of the method of vanishing viscosity for conservation laws.

Variance decay for functionals of the environment viewed by the particle

Jean-Christophe Mourrat (2011)

Annales de l'I.H.P. Probabilités et statistiques

For the random walk among random conductances, we prove that the environment viewed by the particle converges to equilibrium polynomially fast in the variance sense, our main hypothesis being that the conductances are bounded away from zero. The basis of our method is the establishment of a Nash inequality, followed either by a comparison with the simple random walk or by a more direct analysis based on a martingale decomposition. As an example of application, we show that under certain conditions,...

Velocity and Entropy of Motion in Periodic Potentials

Andreas Knauf (1996/1997)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles

This is a report on recent joint work with J. Asch, and with T. Hudetz and F. Benatti.We consider classical, quantum and semiclassical motion in periodic potentials and prove various results on the distribution of asymptotic velocities.The Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy and its quantum generalization, the Connes-Narnhofer-Thirring entropy, of the single particle and of a gas of noninteracting particles are related.

Currently displaying 1281 – 1300 of 1376