Displaying 281 – 300 of 498

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On the topology of spherically symmetric space-times

J. Szenthe (2004)

Open Mathematics

Spherically symmetric space-times have attained considerable attention ever since the early beginnings of the theory of general relativity. In fact, they have appeared already in the papers of K. Schwarzschild [12] and W. De Sitter [5] which were published in 1916 and 1917 respectively soon after Einstein's epoch-making work [7] in 1915. The present survey is concerned mainly with recent results pertainig to the toplogy of spherically symmetric space-times. Definition. By space-time a connected...

Passer au global : le cas d’Élie Cartan, 1922–1930

Renaud Chorlay (2009)

Revue d'histoire des mathématiques

Après avoir enrichi la notion de connexion entre 1922 et 1925, Élie Cartan jette entre 1925 et 1930 les bases de l’étude topologique et géométrique globale des groupes de Lie et variétés homogènes. Nous voulons montrer que ce passage aux questions globales s’accompagne d’une réorganisation complète, aux niveaux théorique, thématique et rhétorique, autour d’une polarité local / global jusque là absente des travaux de Cartan ; elle remplace, selon nous, une polarité infinitésimal / fini héritée du...

Polyhomogeneous solutions of wave equations in the radiation regime

Piotr T. Chruściel, Olivier Lengard (2000)

Journées équations aux dérivées partielles

While the physical properties of the gravitational field in the radiation regime are reasonably well understood, several mathematical questions remain unanswered. The question here is that of existence and properties of gravitational fields with asymptotic behavior compatible with existence of gravitational radiation. A framework to study those questions has been proposed by R. Penrose (R. Penrose, “Zero rest-mass fields including gravitation”, Proc. Roy. Soc. London A284 (1965), 159-203), and developed...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 498