Displaying 541 – 560 of 884

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Adaptive control for discrete-time Markov processes with unbounded costs: Discounted criterion

Evgueni I. Gordienko, J. Adolfo Minjárez-Sosa (1998)


We study the adaptive control problem for discrete-time Markov control processes with Borel state and action spaces and possibly unbounded one-stage costs. The processes are given by recurrent equations x t + 1 = F ( x t , a t , ξ t ) , t = 0 , 1 , ... with i.i.d. k -valued random vectors ξ t whose density ρ is unknown. Assuming observability of ξ t we propose the procedure of statistical estimation of ρ that allows us to prove discounted asymptotic optimality of two types of adaptive policies used early for the processes with bounded costs.

Adaptive high gain observer extension and its application to bioprocess monitoring

Sergej Čelikovský, Jorge Antonio Torres-Muñoz, Alma Rosa Dominguez-Bocanegra (2018)


The adaptive version of the high gain observer for the strictly triangular systems subjected to constant unknown disturbances is proposed here. The adaptive feature is necessary due to the fact that the unknown disturbance enters in a way that cannot be suppressed by the high gain technique. The developed observers are then applied to a culture of microorganism in a bioreactor, namely, to the model of the continuous culture of Spirulina maxima. It is a common practice that just the biomass (or substrate)...

Adaptive thresholding technique for solving optimization problems on attainable sets of (max, min)-linear systems

Mahmoud Gad (2018)


This article develops a parametric method depend on threshold technique for solving some optimization problems on attainable sets of so called (max, min)-separable linear systems. The concept of attainable set for (max, min)-separable linear equation systems will be introduced. Properties of the attainable sets will be studied in detail. The (max, min) - separable linear equation systems, in which the function of unknown variable occur only on one side, will be consider. The main idea of the proposed...

Additivities in fuzzy coalition games with side-payments

Milan Mareš (1999)


The fuzzy coalition game theory brings a more realistic tools for the mathematical modelling of the negotiation process and its results. In this paper we limit our attention to the fuzzy extension of the simple model of coalition games with side-payments, and in the frame of this model we study one of the elementary concepts of the coalition game theory, namely its “additivities”, i. e., superadditivity, subadditivity and additivity in the strict sense. In the deterministic game theory these additivites...

Advanced approach for the public transportation regulation system based on cybercars

Asma Melki, Slim Hammadi, Yves Sallez, Thierry Berger, Christian Tahon (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

In the last decade, the authorities require the use of safe, comfortable vehicles to assure a door to door aspect with respect of environment in the urban context. In this paper, we propose an advanced approach of transport regulation where we integrate cybercars into a regulation process as an alternative in disruption cases. For that, we propose an ITS architecture including public transportation and cybercars into the same framework. We will show that collaboration between these two systems...

Advances in model-based fault diagnosis with evolutionary algorithms and neural networks

Marcin Witczak (2006)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Challenging design problems arise regularly in modern fault diagnosis systems. Unfortunately, the classical analytical techniques often cannot provide acceptable solutions to such difficult tasks. This explains why soft computing techniques such as evolutionary algorithms and neural networks become more and more popular in industrial applications of fault diagnosis. The main objective of this paper is to present recent developments regarding the application of evolutionary algorithms and neural...

Advances in parallel heterogeneous genetic algorithms for continuous optimization

Enrique Alba, Francisco Luna, Antonio Nebro (2004)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper we address an extension of a very efficient genetic algorithm (GA) known as Hy3, a physical parallelization of the gradual distributed real-coded GA (GD-RCGA). This search model relies on a set of eight subpopulations residing in a cube topology having two faces for promoting exploration and exploitation. The resulting technique has been shown to yield very accurate results in continuous optimization by using crossover operators tuned to explore and exploit the solutions inside each...

Affectation de véhicules aux routes dans un système de transport multi-école.

Ana M. Cobes, Albert Corominas (1990)


Este artículo describe una parte del sistema TRESCA para la organización del transporte escolar en Andorra. Una vez determinadas las rutas a ofrecer, conviene asignarles los vehículos para minimizar los costes. El algoritmo que se ha concebido establece las secuencias de rutas de acuerdo con el modelo de Orloff, con una programación lineal entera y con un subalgoritmo glotón.

Currently displaying 541 – 560 of 884