Displaying 81 – 100 of 240

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Combining degrees of impairment: the case of the index of Balthazard.

Claudi Alsina, Enric Trillas, Claudio Moraga (2003)

Mathware and Soft Computing

Using techniques for modeling indices by means of functional equations and resources from fuzzy set theory, the classical Balthazard index used in order to combine several degrees of impairment is characterized in two natural ways and its use is criticized. In addition some hints are given on how to study better solutions than Balthazard's one for the problem of combining impairment degrees.

Combining evolutionary algorithms and exact approaches for multi-objective knowledge discovery

Mohammed Khabzaoui, Clarisse Dhaenens, El-Ghazali Talbi (2008)

RAIRO - Operations Research

An important task of knowledge discovery deals with discovering association rules. This very general model has been widely studied and efficient algorithms have been proposed. But most of the time, only frequent rules are seeked. Here we propose to consider this problem as a multi-objective combinatorial optimization problem in order to be able to also find non frequent but interesting rules. As the search space may be very large, a discussion about different approaches is proposed and a hybrid...

Combining odometry and visual loop-closure detection for consistent topo-metrical mapping

S. Bazeille, D. Filliat (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research - Recherche Opérationnelle

We address the problem of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) by combining visual loop-closure detection with metrical information given by a robot odometry. The proposed algorithm extends a purely appearance-based loop-closure detection method based on bags of visual words [A. Angeli, D. Filliat, S. Doncieux and J.-A. Meyer, IEEE Transactions On Robotics, Special Issue on Visual SLAM 24 (2008) 1027–1037], which is able to detect when the robot has returned back to a previously visited...

Combining Odometry and Visual Loop-Closure Detection for Consistent Topo-Metrical Mapping

S. Bazeille, D. Filliat (2011)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We address the problem of simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) by combining visual loop-closure detection with metrical information given by a robot odometry. The proposed algorithm extends a purely appearance-based loop-closure detection method based on bags of visual words [A. Angeli, D. Filliat, S. Doncieux and J.-A. Meyer, IEEE Transactions On Robotics, Special Issue on Visual SLAM24 (2008) 1027–1037], which is able to detect when the robot has returned back to a previously visited...

Combining System Dynamic Modeling and the Datar–Mathews Method for Analyzing Metal Mine Investments

Jyrki Savolainen, Mikael Collan, Pasi Luukka (2016)

Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica

This paper presents how a dynamic system model can be used together with the Datar–Mathews real option analysis method for investment analysis of metal mining projects. The focus of the paper is on analyzing a project from the point of view of the project owner. The paper extends the Datar–Mathews real option analysis method by combining it with a dynamic system model. The model employs a dynamic discount rate that changes as the debt-level of the project changes. A numerical case illustration of...

Comparing classification tree structures: A special case of comparing q-ary relations II

I. C. Lerman, F. Rouxel (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

Comparing q-ary relations on a set 𝒪 of elementary objects is one of the most fundamental problems of classification and combinatorial data analysis. In this paper the specific comparison task that involves classification tree structures (binary or not) is considered in this context. Two mathematical representations are proposed. One is defined in terms of a weighted binary relation; the second uses a 4-ary relation. The most classical approaches to tree comparison are discussed in the context...

Currently displaying 81 – 100 of 240