Displaying 681 – 700 of 1943

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Feedback Nash equilibria in optimal taxation problems

Mikhail Krastanov, Rossen Rozenov (2009)

Open Mathematics

A well-known result in public economics is that capital income should not be taxed in the long run. This result has been derived using necessary optimality conditions for an appropriate dynamic Stackelberg game. In this paper we consider three models of dynamic taxation in continuous time and suggest a method for calculating their feedback Nash equilibria based on a sufficient condition for optimality. We show that the optimal tax on capital income is generally different from zero.

Filter games on ω and the dual ideal

Claude Laflamme, Christopher C. Leary (2002)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We continue the efforts to characterize winning strategies in various infinite games involving filters on the natural numbers in terms of combinatorial or structural properties of the given filter. Previous results in the literature included those games where player II responded with natural numbers, or finite subsets of natural numbers. In this paper we concentrate on games where player II responds with members of the dual ideal. We also give a summary of known results on filter games.

Fixpoints, games and the difference hierarchy

Julian C. Bradfield (2003)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

Drawing on an analogy with temporal fixpoint logic, we relate the arithmetic fixpoint definable sets to the winning positions of certain games, namely games whose winning conditions lie in the difference hierarchy over Σ 2 0 . This both provides a simple characterization of the fixpoint hierarchy, and refines existing results on the power of the game quantifier in descriptive set theory. We raise the problem of transfinite fixpoint hierarchies.

Fixpoints, games and the difference hierarchy

Julian C. Bradfield (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

Drawing on an analogy with temporal fixpoint logic, we relate the arithmetic fixpoint definable sets to the winning positions of certain games, namely games whose winning conditions lie in the difference hierarchy over Σ 2 0 . This both provides a simple characterization of the fixpoint hierarchy, and refines existing results on the power of the game quantifier in descriptive set theory. We raise the problem of transfinite fixpoint hierarchies.

Forecasting return products in an integrated forward/reverse supply chain utilizing an ANFIS

D. Thresh Kumar, Hamed Soleimani, Govindan Kannan (2014)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Interests in Closed-Loop Supply Chain (CLSC) issues are growing day by day within the academia, companies, and customers. Many papers discuss profitability or cost reduction impacts of remanufacturing, but a very important point is almost missing. Indeed, there is no guarantee about the amounts of return products even if we know a lot about demands of first products. This uncertainty is due to reasons such as companies' capabilities in collecting End-of-Life (EOL) products, customers' interests...

Formalisation des connaissances pour la simulation du service-retour en tennis : le système lift

Gil Denis, Alain Pizzinato (1993)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Dans cet article, nous présentons les aspects essentiels de la modélisation du processus décisionnel des joueurs de tennis dans une phase particulière de ce jeu sportif : le service-retour. Notre démarche se focalise sur la représentation des connaissances s'exerçant dans un continuum temporel scindé en micro-cycles et sur la construction de structures permettant d'envisager l'auto-apprentissage des caractéristiques technico-tactiques des joueurs par le système. Elle s'appuie sur la mise en oeuvre...

Formation of an index of economic capacity in Barcelona.

Tomàs Aluja Banet (1994)


This study presents an evaluation of the economic capacity for the year 1988 of each of the 1919 censual sections that Barcelona is divided into. In view of the confidential nature of all information concerning incomes and resources, we have employed an indirect method of estimation using all the territorial information available at the highest level of disaggregation, that is the censual sections. This evaluation gathers variable indicators of income distribution and wealth, and without being exacly...

Formes et propriétés des indices d'inégalité entre proportions

Antoine Valeyre (1995)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Cet article porte sur les indicateurs qui permettent de comparer les inégalités de proportions entre deux catégories. Après avoir précisé les propriétés qui caractérisent la définition d'indices d'inégalité entre deux proportions, il analyse celles qu'il est souhaitable de leur appliquer, notamment les propriétés de cohérence ou d'homogénéité dont il montre l'incompatibilité. Il examine différents modes de construction d'indices d'inégalité : à partir de mesures, de distances, de caractéristiques...

Currently displaying 681 – 700 of 1943