Moderate-density CT burst error-locating linear codes
A tropical version of Stickel's key exchange protocol was suggested by Grigoriev and Shpilrain (2014) and successfully attacked by Kotov and Ushakov (2018). We suggest some modifications of this scheme that use commuting matrices in tropical algebra and discuss some possibilities of attacks on these new modifications. We suggest some simple heuristic attacks on one of our new protocols, and then we generalize the Kotov and Ushakov attack on tropical Stickel's protocol and discuss the application...
Modular invariance property of association schemes is recalled in connection with our joint work with François Jaeger. Then we survey codes over discussing how codes, through their (various kinds of) weight enumerators, are related to (various kinds of) modular forms through polynomial invariants of certain finite group actions and theta series. Recently, not only codes over an arbitrary finite field but also codes over finite rings and finite abelian groups are considered and have been studied...
Partially-additive monoids (pams) were introduced by Arbib and Manes ([1]) in order to provide an algebraic approach to the semantic of recursion in theoretical computer science. Here we extend the range of application of pams for capturing information theory concepts as componibility and sequential continuity, which arise naturally in this framework.
In this article we defined mathematical morphology image processing with set operations. First, we defined Minkowski set operations and proved their properties. Next, we defined basic image processing, dilation and erosion proving basic fact about them [5], [8].
Blur is a common problem that limits the effective resolution of many imaging systems. In this article, we give a general overview of methods that can be used to reduce the blur. This includes the classical multi-channel deconvolution problems as well as challenging extensions to spatially varying blur. The proposed methods are formulated as energy minimization problems with specific regularization terms on images and blurs. Experiments on real data illustrate very good and stable performance of...
The paper presents a new system for ECG (ElectroCardioGraphy) signal recognition using different neural classifiers and a binary decision tree to provide one more processing stage to give the final recognition result. As the base classifiers, the three classical neural models, i.e., the MLP (Multi Layer Perceptron), modified TSK (Takagi-Sugeno-Kang) and the SVM (Support Vector Machine), will be applied. The coefficients in ECG signal decomposition using Hermite basis functions and the peak-to-peak...
Total correlation (‘TC’) and dual total correlation (‘DTC’) are two classical ways to quantify the correlation among an -tuple of random variables. They both reduce to mutual information when . The first part of this paper sets up the theory of TC and DTC for general random variables, not necessarily finite-valued. This generality has not been exposed in the literature before. The second part considers the structural implications when a joint distribution has small TC or DTC. If , then is...