Displaying 1001 – 1020 of 1497

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On the number of zero trace elements in polynomial bases for F2n.

Igor E. Shparlinski (2005)

Revista Matemática Complutense

Let Fq denote the finite field of q elements. O. Ahmadi and A. Menezes have recently considered the question about the possible number of elements with zero trace in polynomial bases of F2n over F2. Here we show that the Weil bound implies that there is such a basis with n + O(log n) zero-trace elements.

On the optimality of a new class of 2D recursive filters

Leopoldo Jetto (1999)


The purpose of this paper is to prove the minimum variance property of a new class of 2D, recursive, finite-dimensional filters. The filtering algorithms are derived from general basic assumptions underlying the stochastic modelling of an image as a 2D gaussian random field. An appealing feature of the proposed algorithms is that the image pixels are estimated one at a time; this makes it possible to save computation time and memory requirement with respect to the filtering procedures based on strip...

On the Quotient Function Employed in the Blind Source Separation Problem

Fujita, K. (2010)

Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

MSC 2010: 42C40, 94A12On the blind source separation problem, there is a method to use the quotient function of complex valued time-frequency informations of two ob-served signals. By studying the quotient function, we can estimate the number of sources under some assumptions. In our previous papers, we gave a mathematical formulation which is available for the sources with-out time delay. However, in general, we can not ignore the time delay. In this paper, we will reformulate our basic theorems...

On the relationship between quasi-affine systems and the à trous algorithm.

Brody Dylan Johnson (2002)

Collectanea Mathematica

We seek to demonstrate a connection between refinable quasi-affine systems and the discrete wavelet transform known as the à trous algorithm. We begin with an introduction of the bracket product, which is the major tool in our analysis. Using multiresolution operators, we then proceed to reinvestigate the equivalence of the duality of refinable affine frames and their quasi-affine counterparts associated with a fairly general class of scaling functions that includes the class of compactly supported...

Currently displaying 1001 – 1020 of 1497