On the cardinality of Hausdorff spaces
The aim of this paper is to show, using the reflection principle, three new cardinal inequalities. These results improve some well-known bounds on the cardinality of Hausdorff spaces.
The aim of this paper is to show, using the reflection principle, three new cardinal inequalities. These results improve some well-known bounds on the cardinality of Hausdorff spaces.
In this note we show the following theorem: “Let be an almost -discrete space, where is a regular cardinal. Then is -Baire iff it is a -Baire space and every point- open cover of such that is locally- at a dense set of points.” For we obtain a well-known characterization of Baire spaces. The case is also discussed.
In this paper, two cardinal inequalities for functionally Hausdorff spaces are established. A bound on the cardinality of the -closed hull of a subset of a functionally Hausdorff space is given. Moreover, the following theorem is proved: if is a functionally Hausdorff space, then .
Motivated by some examples, we introduce the concept of special almost P-space and show, using the reflection principle, that for every space of this kind the inequality “" holds.
In this paper two new cardinal functions are introduced and investigated. In particular the following two theorems are proved: (i) If is a functionally Hausdorff space then ; (ii) Let be a functionally Hausdorff space with . Then there is a subset of such that and .
A subset of a Hausdorff space is called an H-set in if for every open family in such that there exists a countable subfamily of such that . In this paper we introduce a new cardinal function and show that for every H-set of a Hausdorff space .
The spaces for which each -continuous function can be extended to a -small point-open l.s.cṁultifunction (resp. point-closed u.s.cṁultifunction) are studied. Some sufficient conditions and counterexamples are given.
A space is called connectifiable if it can be densely embedded in a connected Hausdorff space. Let be the following statement: “a perfect -space with no more than clopen subsets is connectifiable if and only if no proper nonempty clopen subset of is feebly compact". In this note we show that neither nor is provable in ZFC.
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