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On the normal variations of a domain

D. BreschJ. Simon — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In domain optimization problems, normal variations of a reference domain are frequently used. We prove that such variations do not preserve the regularity of the domain. More precisely, we give a bounded domain which boundary is m times differentiable and a scalar variation which is infinitely differentiable such that the deformed boundary is only m-1 times differentiable. We prove in addition that the only normal variations which preserve the regularity are those with constant magnitude. This...

Diffusion models of multicomponent mixtures in the lung

L. BoudinD. GötzB. Grec — 2010

ESAIM: Proceedings

In this work, we are interested in two different diffusion models for multicomponent mixtures. We numerically recover experimental results underlining the inadequacy of the usual Fick diffusion model, and the importance of using the Maxwell-Stefan model in various situations. This model nonlinearly couples the mole fractions and the fluxes of each component of the mixture. We then consider a subregion of the lower part of the lung, in which we compare...

Mucus dynamics subject to air and wall motion

S. EnaultD. LombardiP. PoncetM. Thiriet — 2010

ESAIM: Proceedings

This study presents a numerical investigation of basic interactions between respiratory mucus motion, air circulation and epithelium ciliated cells vibration. One focuses on identification of meaningful rheological parameters, physiological and numerical simulation dimensioning. These preliminary results are crucial before the study of more general configurations of respiratory mucus motion. The numerical study presented in this work aims at providing...

Influence of the spray retroaction on the airflow

L. BoudinC. GrandmontB. GrecD. Yakoubi — 2010

ESAIM: Proceedings

In this work, we investigate the influence of a spray evolving in the air, in the respiration framework. We consider two kinds of situations: a moving spray in a motionless fluid, and motionless particles in a Poiseuille flow. We observe that the spray retroaction may not be neglected in some situations which can really happen, for instance, when one considers rather big particles, as it is possible for polluting particles and even for some therapeutic...

Asymptotic analysis of blood flow in stented arteries: time dependency and direct simulations

Vuk MilišićAmélie RambaudKirill Pichon Gostaf — 2010

ESAIM: Proceedings

This work aims to extend in two distinct directions results recently obtained in [10]. In a first step we focus on the possible extension of our results to the time dependent case. Whereas in the second part some preliminary numerical simulations aim to give orders of magnitudes in terms of numerical costs of direct 3D simulations. We consider, in the first part, the time dependent rough problem for a simplified heat equation in a straight channel that...

Numerical study of the stopping of aura during migraine

C. PocciA. MoussaF. HubertG. Chapuisat — 2010

ESAIM: Proceedings

This work is devoted to the study of migraine with aura in the human brain. Following [6], we class migraine as a propagation of a wave of depolarization through the cells. The mathematical model used, based on a reaction-diffusion equation, is briefly presented. The equation is considered in a duct containing a bend, in order to model one of the numerous circumvolutions of the brain. For a wide set of parameters, one can establish the existence...

A rainbow inverse problem

A. BlasselleV. CalvezA. Moussa — 2010

ESAIM: Proceedings

We consider the radiative transfer equation (RTE) with reflection in a three-dimensional domain, infinite in two dimensions, and prove an existence result. Then, we study the inverse problem of retrieving the optical parameters from boundary measurements, with help of existing results by Choulli and Stefanov. This theoretical analysis is the framework of an attempt to model the color of the skin. For this purpose, a code has been developed to solve...

High-order WENO scheme for polymerization-type equations

Pierre GabrielLéon Matar Tine — 2010

ESAIM: Proceedings

Polymerization of proteins is a biochemical process involved in different diseases. Mathematically, it is generally modeled by aggregation-fragmentation-type equations. In this paper we consider a general polymerization model and propose a high-order numerical scheme to investigate the behavior of the solution. An important property of the equation is the mass conservation. The WENO scheme is built to preserve the total mass of proteins along time....

Mathematical and numerical modeling of early atherosclerotic lesions

This article is devoted to the construction of a mathematical model describing the early formation of atherosclerotic lesions. The early stage of atherosclerosis is an inflammatory process that starts with the penetration of low density lipoproteins in the intima and with their oxidation. This phenomenon is closely linked to the local blood flow dynamics. Extending a previous work [5] that was mainly restricted to a one-dimensional setting, we couple...

Simulation of self-propelled chemotactic bacteria in a stokes flow

A. DecoeneA. LorzS. MartinB. MauryM. Tang — 2010

ESAIM: Proceedings

We prescrit a method to simulate the motion of self-propelled rigid particles in a twodimensional Stokesian fluid, taking into account chemotactic behaviour. Self-propulsion is modelled as a point force associated to each particle, placed at a certain distance from its gravity centre. The method for solving the fluid flow and the motion of the bacteria is based on a variational formulation on the whole domain, including fluid and particles: rigid...

A mathematical model of inflammation during ischemic stroke

In this article we propose a model to describe the inflammatory process which occurs during ischemic stroke. First, an introduction to some basic concepts about the biological phenomenon is given. Then, a detailed derivation of the model and the numerical scheme used are presented. Finally, the studies of the model robustness and sensitivity are showed and some numerical results on the time and space evolution of the process are presented and discussed....

Optimal placement of electrodes in an electroporation process

Electroporation consists in increasing the permeability of a tissue by applying high voltage pulses. In this paper we discuss the question of optimal placement and optimal loading of electrodes such that electroporation holds only in a given open set of the domain. The electroporated set of the domain is where the norm of the electric field is above a given threshold value. We use a standard gradient algorithm to optimize the loading of the electrodes...

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