On the Power of Nonparametric Changepoint-Tests.
Let be the empirical distribution function (df) pertaining to independent random variables with continuous df . We investigate the minimizing point of the empirical process , where is another df which differs from . If and are locally Hölder-continuous of order at a point our main result states that converges in distribution. The limit variable is the almost sure unique minimizing point of a two-sided time-transformed homogeneous Poisson-process with a drift. The time-transformation...
Let be the empirical distribution function (df) pertaining to independent random variables with continuous df . We investigate the minimizing point of the empirical process , where is another df which differs from . If and are locally Hölder-continuous of order at a point our main result states that converges in distribution. The limit variable is the almost sure unique minimizing point of a two-sided time-transformed homogeneous Poisson-process...
Let be the collection of all -optimal solutions for a stochastic process with locally bounded trajectories defined on a topological space. For sequences of such stochastic processes and of nonnegative random variables we give sufficient conditions for the (closed) random sets to converge in distribution with respect to the Fell-topology and to the coarser Missing-topology.
For lower-semicontinuous and convex stochastic processes and nonnegative random variables we investigate the pertaining random sets of all -approximating minimizers of . It is shown that, if the finite dimensional distributions of the converge to some and if the converge in probability to some constant , then the converge in distribution to in the hyperspace of Vietoris. As a simple corollary we obtain an extension of several argmin-theorems in the literature. In particular, in...
We establish consistent estimators of jump positions and jump altitudes of a multi-level step function that is the best -approximation of a probability density function . If itself is a step-function the number of jumps may be unknown.
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