On small sets in the sense of measure and category
We show that some classes of small sets are topological versions of some combinatorial properties. We also give a characterization of spaces for which White has a winning strategy in the point-open game. We show that every Lusin set is undetermined, which solves a problem of Galvin.
Let I and J be σ-ideals on Polish spaces X and Y, respectively. We say that the pair ⟨I,J⟩ has the Strong Fubini Property (SFP) if for every set D ⊆ X× Y with measurable sections, if all its sections are in J, then the sections are in I for every y outside a set from J (“measurable" means being a member of the σ-algebra of Borel sets modulo sets from the respective σ-ideal). We study the question of which pairs of σ-ideals have the Strong Fubini Property. Since CH excludes this phenomenon completely,...
We parametrize Cichoń’s diagram and show how cardinals from Cichoń’s diagram yield classes of small sets of reals. For instance, we show that there exist subsets N and M of and continuous functions such that • N is and , the collection of all vertical sections of N, is a basis for the ideal of measure zero subsets of ; • M is and is a basis for the ideal of meager subsets of ; •. From this we derive that for a separable metric space X, •if for all Borel (resp. ) sets with all...
Let I ⊆ P(ω) be an ideal. We continue our investigation of the class of spaces with the I-ideal convergence property, denoted (I). We show that if I is an analytic, non-countably generated P-ideal then (I) ⊆ s₀. If in addition I is non-pathological and not isomorphic to , then (I) spaces have measure zero. We also present a characterization of the (I) spaces using clopen covers.
We prove that for every Borel ideal, the ideal limits of sequences of continuous functions on a Polish space are of Baire class one if and only if the ideal does not contain a copy of Fin × Fin. In particular, this is true for ideals. In the proof we use Borel determinacy for a game introduced by C. Laflamme.
We introduce the notions of Kuratowski-Ulam pairs of topological spaces and universally Kuratowski-Ulam space. A pair (X,Y) of topological spaces is called a Kuratowski-Ulam pair if the Kuratowski-Ulam Theorem holds in X× Y. A space Y is called a universally Kuratowski-Ulam (uK-U) space if (X,Y) is a Kuratowski-Ulam pair for every space X. Obviously, every meager in itself space is uK-U. Moreover, it is known that every space with a countable π-basis is uK-U. We prove the following: ...
We consider various forms of Ramsey's theorem, the monotone subsequence theorem and the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem which are connected with ideals of subsets of natural numbers. We characterize ideals with properties considered. We show that, in a sense, Ramsey's theorem, the monotone subsequence theorem and the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem characterize the same class of ideals. We use our results to show some versions of density Ramsey's theorem (these are similar to generalizations shown in [P....
We show that the ideal of nowhere dense subsets of rationals cannot be extended to an analytic P-ideal, ideal nor maximal P-ideal. We also consider a problem of extendability to a non-meager P-ideals (in particular, to maximal P-ideals).
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