We consider the hexagonal circle packing with radius and perturb it by letting the circles move as independent Brownian motions for time . It is shown that, for large enough , if is the point process given by the center of the circles at time , then, as , the critical radius for circles centered at to contain an infinite component converges to that of continuum percolation (which was shown – based on a Monte Carlo estimate – by Balister, Bollobás and Walters to be strictly bigger than...
We study a one-dimensional brownian motion conditioned on a self-repelling behaviour. Given a nondecreasing positive function (), ≥0, consider the measures
obtained by conditioning a brownian path so that
≤(), for all ≤, where
is the local time spent at the origin by time . It is shown that the measures
are tight, and that any weak limit of
as →∞ is transient provided that −3/2() is integrable. We conjecture that...
It is shown that every bi-Lipschitz bijection from Z to itself is at a bounded L1 distance from either the identity or the reflection.We then comment on the group-theoretic properties of the action of bi-Lipschitz bijections.
We consider one-dimensional Brownian motion conditioned (in a suitable sense) to have a local time at every point and at every moment bounded by some fixed constant. Our main result shows that a phenomenon of entropic repulsion occurs: that is, this process is ballistic and has an asymptotic velocity approximately 4.58... as high as required by the conditioning (the exact value
of this constant involves the first zero of a Bessel function). We also study the random walk case
and show that the process...
We consider random walk on a discrete torus of side-length , in sufficiently high dimension . We investigate the percolative properties of the vacant set corresponding to the collection of sites which have not been visited by the walk up to time . We show that when is chosen small, as tends to infinity, there is with overwhelming probability a unique connected component in the vacant set which contains segments of length const . Moreover, this connected
component occupies a non-degenerate...
We study the entropy of the set traced by an -step simple symmetric random walk on ℤ. We show that for ≥3, the entropy is of order . For =2, the entropy is of order /log2. These values are essentially governed by the size of the boundary of the trace.
We consider a planar Poisson process and its associated Voronoi map. We show that there is a proper coloring with 6 colors of the map which is a deterministic isometry-equivariant function of the Poisson process. As part of the proof we show that the 6-core of the corresponding Delaunay triangulation is empty. Generalizations, extensions and some open questions are discussed.
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