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Poisson Lie groups and their relations to quantum groups

Janusz Grabowski — 1995

Banach Center Publications

The notion of Poisson Lie group (sometimes called Poisson Drinfel'd group) was first introduced by Drinfel'd [1] and studied by Semenov-Tian-Shansky [7] to understand the Hamiltonian structure of the group of dressing transformations of a completely integrable system. The Poisson Lie groups play an important role in the mathematical theories of quantization and in nonlinear integrable equations. The aim of our lecture is to point out the naturality of this notion and to present basic facts about...

Isomorphisms of Poisson and Jacobi brackets

Janusz Grabowski — 2000

Banach Center Publications

We present a general theorem describing the isomorphisms of the local Lie algebra structures on the spaces of smooth (real-analytic or holomorphic) functions on smooth (resp. real-analytic, Stein) manifolds, as, for example, those given by Poisson or contact structures. We admit degenerate structures as well, which seems to be new in the literature.

An introduction to loopoids

Janusz Grabowski — 2016

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We discuss a concept of loopoid as a non-associative generalization of Brandt groupoid. We introduce and study also an interesting class of more general objects which we call semiloopoids. A differential version of loopoids is intended as a framework for Lagrangian discrete mechanics.

Lie algebraic characterization of manifolds

Janusz GrabowskiNorbert Poncin — 2004

Open Mathematics

Results on characterization of manifolds in terms of certain Lie algebras growing on them, especially Lie algebras of differential operators, are reviewed and extended. In particular, we prove that a smooth (real-analytic, Stein) manifold is characterized by the corresponding Lie algebra of linear differential operators, i.e. isomorphisms of such Lie algebras are induced by the appropriate class of diffeomorphisms of the underlying manifolds.

On characterization of Poisson and Jacobi structures

Janusz GrabowskiPaweŀ Urbański — 2003

Open Mathematics

We characterize Poisson and Jacobi structures by means of complete lifts of the corresponding tensors: the lifts have to be related to canonical structures by morphisms of corresponding vector bundles. Similar results hold for generalized Poisson and Jacobi structures (canonical structures) associated with Lie algebroids and Jacobi algebroids.

On quantum and classical Poisson algebras

Janusz GrabowskiNorbert Poncin — 2007

Banach Center Publications

Results on derivations and automorphisms of some quantum and classical Poisson algebras, as well as characterizations of manifolds by the Lie structure of such algebras, are revisited and extended. We prove in particular a somewhat unexpected fact that the algebras of linear differential operators acting on smooth sections of two real vector bundles of rank 1 are isomorphic as Lie algebras if and only if the base manifolds are diffeomorphic, whether or not the line bundles themselves are isomorphic....

Universal enveloping algebras and quantization

Grabowski, Janusz — 1993

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

It is shown how the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra L can be obtained as a formal deformation of the Kirillov-Souriau Poisson algebra C ( L * ) of smooth functions on the dual of L . This deformation process may be viewed as a “quantization” in the sense of and [Ann. Phys. 111, 61-110 (1978; Zbl 0377.53024) and ibid., 111-151 (1978; Zbl 0377.53025)]. The result presented is a somewhat more elaborate version of earlier findings by [Lett. Math. Phys. 7, 249-258 (1983; Zbl 0522.58019)] and...

Hochschild cohomology and quantization of Poisson structures

Grabowski, Janusz — 1994

Proceedings of the Winter School "Geometry and Physics"

It is well-known that the question of existence of a star product on a Poisson manifold N is open and only some partial results are known [see the author, J. Geom. Phys. 9, No. 1, 45-73 (1992; Zbl 0761.16012)].In the paper under review, the author proves the existence of the star products for the Poisson structures P of the following type P = X Y with [ X , Y ] = u X + v Y , for some u , v C ( N , ) .

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