Weakly stable multidimensional shocks
On présente une famille de problèmes mixtes hyperboliques linéaires bien-posés au sens de Hadamard. La nouveauté consiste à autoriser une perte de régularité entre les termes source et la solution. On montre ainsi que la condition de Lopatinskii faible est suffisante pour obtenir le caractère bien-posé des problèmes mixtes hyperboliques linéaires.
We consider supersonic compressible vortex sheets for the isentropic Euler equations of gas dynamics in two space dimensions. The problem is a free boundary nonlinear hyperbolic problem with two main difficulties: the free boundary is characteristic, and the so-called Lopatinskii condition holds only in a weak sense, which yields losses of derivatives. Nevertheless, we prove the local existence of such piecewise smooth solutions to the Euler equations. Since the a priori estimates for the linearized...
We compute and justify rigorous geometric optics expansions for linear hyperbolic boundary value problems that do not satisfy the uniform Lopatinskii condition. We exhibit an amplification phenomenon for the reflection of small high frequency oscillations at the boundary. Our analysis has two important consequences for such hyperbolic boundary value problems. Firstly, we make precise the optimal energy estimate in Sobolev spaces showing that losses of derivatives must occur from the source terms...
Cet exposé concerne l’approximation faiblement non-linéaire de problèmes aux limites invariants par changement d’échelles.
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