Matematické modely a numerické simulace vln cunami
A new model for propagation of long waves including the coastal area is introduced. This model considers only the motion of the surface of the sea under the condition of preservation of mass and the sea floor is inserted into the model as an obstacle to the motion. Thus we obtain a constrained hyperbolic free-boundary problem which is then solved numerically by a minimizing method called the discrete Morse semi-flow. The results of the computation in 1D show the adequacy of the proposed model.
We extend thresholding methods for numerical realization of mean curvature flow on obstacles to the anisotropic setting where interfacial energy depends on the orientation of the interface. This type of schemes treats the interface implicitly, which supports natural implementation of topology changes, such as merging and splitting, and makes the approach attractive for applications in material science. The main tool in the new scheme are convolution kernels developed in previous studies that approximate...
The paper presents the theory of the discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for the space-time discretization of a linear nonstationary convection-diffusion-reaction initial-boundary value problem. The discontinuous Galerkin method is applied separately in space and time using, in general, different nonconforming space grids on different time levels and different polynomial degrees and in space and time discretization, respectively. In the space discretization the nonsymmetric interior...
The paper is concerned with the study of a parabolic initial-boundary value problem with nonlinear Newton boundary condition considered in a two-dimensional domain. The goal is to prove the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to the problem in the case when the nonlinearity in the Newton boundary condition does not satisfy any monotonicity condition and to analyze the finite element approximation.
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