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Groups with small deviation for non-subnormal subgroups

Leonid KurdachenkoHoward Smith — 2009

Open Mathematics

We introduce the notion of the non-subnormal deviation of a group G. If the deviation is 0 then G satisfies the minimal condition for nonsubnormal subgroups, while if the deviation is at most 1 then G satisfies the so-called weak minimal condition for such subgroups (though the converse does not hold). Here we present some results on groups G that are either soluble or locally nilpotent and that have deviation at most 1. For example, a torsion-free locally nilpotent with deviation at most 1 is nilpotent,...

Infinite dimensional linear groups with many G - invariant subspaces

Leonid KurdachenkoAlexey SadovnichenkoIgor Subbotin — 2010

Open Mathematics

Let F be a field, A be a vector space over F, GL(F, A) be the group of all automorphisms of the vector space A. A subspace B of A is called nearly G-invariant, if dimF(BFG/B) is finite. A subspace B is called almost G-invariant, if dim F(B/Core G(B)) is finite. In the current article, we study linear groups G such that every subspace of A is either nearly G-invariant or almost G-invariant in the case when G is a soluble p-group where p = char F.

On some infinite dimensional linear groups

Leonid KurdachenkoAlexey SadovnichenkoIgor Subbotin — 2009

Open Mathematics

Let F be a field, A be a vector space over F, and GL(F,A) the group of all automorphisms of the vector space A. A subspace B of A is called nearly G-invariant, if dimF(BFG/B) is finite. A subspace B is called almost G-invariant, if dimF(B/CoreG(B)) is finite. In the present article we begin the study of subgroups G of GL(F,A) such that every subspace of A is either nearly G-invariant or almost G-invariant. More precisely, we consider the case when G is a periodic p′-group where p = charF.

Groups whose all subgroups are ascendant or self-normalizing

Leonid KurdachenkoJavier OtalAlessio RussoGiovanni Vincenzi — 2011

Open Mathematics

This paper studies groups G whose all subgroups are either ascendant or self-normalizing. We characterize the structure of such G in case they are locally finite. If G is a hyperabelian group and has the property, we show that every subgroup of G is in fact ascendant provided G is locally nilpotent or non-periodic. We also restrict our study replacing ascendant subgroups by permutable subgroups, which of course are ascendant [Stonehewer S.E., Permutable subgroups of infinite groups, Math. Z., 1972,...

The nilpotency of some groups with all subgroups subnormal.

Leonid A. KurdachenkoHoward Smith — 1998

Publicacions Matemàtiques

Let G be a group with all subgroups subnormal. A normal subgroup N of G is said to be G-minimax if it has a finite G-invariant series whose factors are abelian and satisfy either max-G or min- G. It is proved that if the normal closure of every element of G is G-minimax then G is nilpotent and the normal closure of every element is minimax. Further results of this type are also obtained.

Locally soluble-by-finite groups with small deviation for non-subnormal subgroups

Leonid A. KurdachenkoHoward Smith — 2007

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A group G has subnormal deviation at most 1 if, for every descending chain H 0 > H 1 > of non-subnormal subgroups of G , for all but finitely many i there is no infinite descending chain of non-subnormal subgroups of G that contain H i + 1 and are contained in H i . This property 𝔓 , say, was investigated in a previous paper by the authors, where soluble groups with 𝔓 and locally nilpotent groups with 𝔓 were effectively classified. The present article affirms a conjecture from that article by showing that locally soluble-by-finite...

Groups with the weak minimal condition for non-subnormal subgroups II

Leonid A. KurdachenkoHoward Smith — 2005

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let G be a group with the property that there are no infinite descending chains of non-subnormal subgroups of G for which all successive indices are infinite. The main result is that if G is a locally (soluble-by-finite) group with this property then either G has subgroups subnormal or G is a soluble-by-finite minimax group. This result fills a gap left in an earlier paper by the same authors on groups with the stated property.

On some properties of the upper central series in Leibniz algebras

Leonid A. KurdachenkoJavier OtalIgor Ya. Subbotin — 2019

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

This article discusses the Leibniz algebras whose upper hypercenter has finite codimension. It is proved that such an algebra L includes a finite dimensional ideal K such that the factor-algebra L / K is hypercentral. This result is an extension to the Leibniz algebra of the corresponding result obtained earlier for Lie algebras. It is also analogous to the corresponding results obtained for groups and modules.

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