Regularities of distribution
Le thème de ce travail est la conversion entre le développement en fraction continuée d'un nombre réel et son développement en série de Engel. Chacun d'eux peut se traduire en terme de produits matriciels, produits qui sont à l'origine d'algorithmes, exprimés sous la forme de transducteurs, permettant de calculer un des développements à partir de l'autre. Cette méthode fournit des résultats nouveaux sur les nombres de Lucas, les nombres de Fredholm et sur toute une variété de nombres transcendants,...
Topological and combinatorial properties of dynamical systems called odometers and arising from number systems are investigated. First, a topological classification is obtained. Then a rooted tree describing the carries in the addition of 1 is introduced and extensively studied. It yields a description of points of discontinuity and a notion of low scale, which is helpful in producing examples of what the dynamics of an odometer can look like. Density of the orbits is also discussed.
This survey aims at giving a consistent presentation of numeration from a dynamical viewpoint: we focus on numeration systems, their associated compactification, and dynamical systems that can be naturally defined on them. The exposition is unified by the fibred numeration system concept. Many examples are discussed. Various numerations on rational integers, real or complex numbers are presented with special attention paid to -numeration and its generalisations, abstract numeration systems and...
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