Extension of Total Bounded Functionals in Normed Spaces.
It is proved that if a Frechet space has property, then also has property, for .
Let be a completely regular Hausdorff space, the space of all scalar-valued bounded continuous functions on with strict topologies. We prove that these are locally convex topological algebras with jointly continuous multiplication. Also we find the necessary and sufficient conditions for these algebras to be locally -convex.
Suppose is an ordered locally convex space, and Hausdorff completely regular spaces and a uniformly bounded, convex and closed subset of . For , let . Then, under some topological and order conditions on , necessary and sufficient conditions are established for the existence of an element in , having marginals and .
For a Banach space and a probability space , a new proof is given that a measure , with , has RN derivative with respect to iff there is a compact or a weakly compact such that is a finite valued countably additive measure. Here we define where is a finite disjoint collection of elements from , each contained in , and satisfies . Then the result is extended to the case when is a Frechet space.
For , let be completely regular Hausdorff spaces, quasi-complete locally convex spaces, , the completion of the their injective tensor product, the spaces of all bounded, scalar-valued continuous functions on , and -valued Baire measures on . Under certain conditions we determine the existence of the -valued product measure and prove some properties of these measures.
Let be a completely regular space, a boundedly complete vector lattice, the space of all (all, bounded), real-valued continuous functions on . In order convergence, we consider -valued, order-bounded, -additive, -additive, and tight measures on X and prove some order-theoretic and topological properties of these measures. Also for an order-bounded, -valued (for some special ) linear map on , a measure representation result is proved. In case separates the points...
Let be a completely regular Hausdorff space, a boundedly complete vector lattice, the space of all, bounded, real-valued continuous functions on , the algebra generated by the zero-sets of , and a positive linear map. First we give a new proof that extends to a unique, finitely additive measure such that is inner regular by zero-sets and outer regular by cozero sets. Then some order-convergence theorems about nets of -valued finitely additive measures on are proved, which extend...
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