We prove that the chain-transitive sets of C-generic diffeomorphisms are approximated in the Hausdorff topology by periodic orbits. This implies that the homoclinic classes are dense among the chain-recurrence classes. This result is a consequence of a global connecting lemma, which allows to build by a C-perturbation an orbit connecting several prescribed points. One deduces a weak shadowing property satisfied by C-generic diffeomorphisms: any pseudo-orbit is approximated in the Hausdorff topology...
Nous définissons la notion d’ensemble bien ordonné de torsion nulle pour les applications déviant la verticale. Contrairement aux études variationnelles de [14] et [1], nous proposons une approche topologique. On retrouve pour ces ensembles un grand nombre de propriétés des ensembles bien ordonnés décrites dans [11]. En reprenant un argument de G.Hall [7], nous montrons en particulier que pour tout nombre de rotation, il existe un ensemble bien ordonné de torsion nulle.
Answering a question of Smale, we prove that the space of C
1 diffeomorphisms of a compact manifold contains a residual subset of diffeomorphisms whose centralizers are trivial.
We show that any diffeomorphism of a compact manifold can be approximated by diffeomorphisms exhibiting a homoclinic tangency or by diffeomorphisms having a partial hyperbolic structure.
Given any compact manifold , we construct a non-empty open subset of the space of -diffeomorphisms and a dense subset such that the centralizer of every diffeomorphism in is uncountable, hence non-trivial.
We discuss the remaining obstacles to prove Smale's conjecture about the C¹-density of hyperbolicity among surface diffeomorphisms. Using a C¹-generic approach, we classify the possible pathologies that may obstruct the C¹-density of hyperbolicity. We show that there are essentially two types of obstruction: (i) persistence of infinitely many hyperbolic homoclinic classes and (ii) existence of a single homoclinic class which robustly exhibits homoclinic tangencies. In the course of our discussion,...
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