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A class of Bol loops with a subgroup of index two

Petr Vojtěchovský — 2004

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let G be a finite group and C 2 the cyclic group of order 2 . Consider the 8 multiplicative operations ( x , y ) ( x i y j ) k , where i , j , k { - 1 , 1 } . Define a new multiplication on G × C 2 by assigning one of the above 8 multiplications to each quarter ( G × { i } ) × ( G × { j } ) , for i , j C 2 . We describe all situations in which the resulting quasigroup is a Bol loop. This paper also corrects an error in P. Vojtěchovsk’y: On the uniqueness of loops M ( G , 2 ) .

On the uniqueness of loops M ( G , 2 )

Petr Vojtěchovský — 2003

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Let G be a finite group and C 2 the cyclic group of order 2. Consider the 8 multiplicative operations ( x , y ) ( x i y j ) k , where i , j , k { - 1 , 1 } . Define a new multiplication on G × C 2 by assigning one of the above 8 multiplications to each quarter ( G × { i } ) × ( G × { j } ) , for i , j C 2 . If the resulting quasigroup is a Bol loop, it is Moufang. When G is nonabelian then exactly four assignments yield Moufang loops that are not associative; all (anti)isomorphic, known as loops M ( G , 2 ) .

Combinatorial aspects of code loops

Petr Vojtěchovský — 2000

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The existence and uniqueness (up to equivalence defined below) of code loops was first established by R. Griess in [3]. Nevertheless, the explicit construction of code loops remained open until T. Hsu introduced the notion of symplectic cubic spaces and their Frattini extensions, and pointed out how the construction of code loops followed from the (purely combinatorial) result of O. Chein and E. Goodaire contained in [2]. Within this paper, we focus on their combinatorial construction and prove...

Powers and alternative laws

Nicholas OrmesPetr Vojtěchovský — 2007

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A groupoid is alternative if it satisfies the alternative laws x ( x y ) = ( x x ) y and x ( y y ) = ( x y ) y . These laws induce four partial maps on + × + ( r , s ) ( 2 r , s - r ) , ( r - s , 2 s ) , ( r / 2 , s + r / 2 ) , ( r + s / 2 , s / 2 ) , that taken together form a dynamical system. We describe the orbits of this dynamical system, which allows us to show that n th powers in a free alternative groupoid on one generator are well-defined if and only if n 5 . We then discuss some number theoretical properties of the orbits, and the existence of alternative loops without two-sided inverses.

A scoop from groups: equational foundations for loops

Phillips, J. D.Petr Vojtěchovský — 2008

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

Groups are usually axiomatized as algebras with an associative binary operation, a two-sided neutral element, and with two-sided inverses. We show in this note that the same simplicity of axioms can be achieved for some of the most important varieties of loops. In particular, we investigate loops of Bol-Moufang type in the underlying variety of magmas with two-sided inverses, and obtain ``group-like'' equational bases for Moufang, Bol and C-loops. We also discuss the case when the inverses are only...

Overlapping latin subsquares and full products

Joshua M. BrowningPetr VojtěchovskýIan M. Wanless — 2010

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We derive necessary and sufficient conditions for there to exist a latin square of order n containing two subsquares of order a and b that intersect in a subsquare of order c . We also solve the case of two disjoint subsquares. We use these results to show that: (a) A latin square of order n cannot have more than n m n h / m h subsquares of order m , where h = ( m + 1 ) / 2 . Indeed, the number of subsquares of order m is bounded by a polynomial of degree at most 2 m + 2 in n . (b) For all n 5 there exists a loop of order n in which every...

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