Our work is divided into five chapters. In Chapter I we introduce necessary notions and we present the most important facts that we shall use. We also present our main results. Chapter I covers the following topics:
• holomorphically contractible families of functions and pseudometrics, their basic properties, product property, Lempert Theorem, notion of geodesic, problem of finding effective formulas for invariant functions and pseudometrics and geodesics, completeness with...
We introduce a class of generalized pseudoellipsoids and we get formulas for their complex geodesics in the convex case. Using these formulas we get a description of automorphisms of the pseudoellipsoids. We also solve the problem of biholomorphic equivalence of convex complex ellipsoids without any sophisticated machinery.
We show that in the class of complex ellipsoids the symmetry of the pluricomplex Green function is equivalent to convexity of the ellipsoid.
We consider the structure of Carathéodory balls in convex complex ellipsoids belonging to few domains for which explicit formulas for complex geodesics are known. We prove that in most cases the only Carathéodory balls which are simultaneously ellipsoids "similar" to the considered ellipsoid (even in some wider sense) are the ones with center at 0. Nevertheless, we get a surprising result that there are ellipsoids having Carathéodory balls with center not at 0 which are also ellipsoids.
We extend and simplify results of [Din 2010] where the asymptotic behavior of the holomorphic sectional curvature of the Bergman metric in annuli is studied. Similarly to [Din 2010] the description enables us to construct an infinitely connected planar domain (in our paper it is a Zalcman type domain) for which the supremum of the holomorphic sectional curvature is two, whereas its infimum is equal to -∞ .
We give a description of bounded pseudoconvex Reinhardt domains, which are complete for the Carathéodory inner distance.
We find effective formulas for the invariant functions, appearing in the theory of several complex variables, of the elementary Reinhardt domains. This gives us the first example of a large family of domains for which the functions are calculated explicitly.
We give a characterization of -domains of holomorphy with the help of the boundary behavior of the Bergman kernel and geometric properties of the boundary, respectively.
The Serre problem is solved for fiber bundles whose fibers are two-dimensional
pseudoconvex hyperbolic Reinhardt domains.
We present a result on the existence of some kind of peak functions for ℂ-convex domains and for the symmetrized polydisc. Then we apply the latter result to show the equivariance of the set of peak points for A(D) under proper holomorphic mappings. Additionally, we present a description of the set of peak points in the class of bounded pseudoconvex Reinhardt domains.
We describe compact subsets K of ∂𝔻 and ℝ admitting holomorphic functions f with the domains of existence equal to ℂ∖K and such that the pluripolar hulls of their graphs are infinitely sheeted. The paper is motivated by a recent paper of Poletsky and Wiegerinck.
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