A topological space is said to be star Lindelöf if for any open cover of there is a Lindelöf subspace such that . The “extent” of is the supremum of the cardinalities of closed discrete subsets of . We prove that under every star Lindelöf, first countable and normal space must have countable extent. We also obtain an example under , which shows that a star Lindelöf, first countable and normal space may not have countable extent.
We say that a space has the discrete countable chain condition (DCCC for short) if every discrete family of nonempty open subsets of is countable. A space has a zeroset diagonal if there is a continuous mapping with , where . In this paper, we prove that every first countable DCCC space with a zeroset diagonal has cardinality at most .
We prove that, assuming , if is a space with -calibre and a zeroset diagonal, then is submetrizable. This gives a consistent positive answer to the question of Buzyakova in Observations on spaces with zeroset or regular -diagonals, Comment. Math. Univ. Carolin. 46 (2005), no. 3, 469–473. We also make some observations on spaces with -calibre.
We prove that if is a first countable space with property and with a -diagonal then the cardinality of is at most . We also show that if is a first countable, DCCC, normal space then the extent of is at most .
A topological space has a rank 2-diagonal if there exists a diagonal sequence on of rank , that is, there is a countable family of open covers of such that for each , . We say that a space satisfies the Discrete Countable Chain Condition (DCCC for short) if every discrete family of nonempty open subsets of is countable. We mainly prove that if is a DCCC normal space with a rank 2-diagonal, then the cardinality of is at most . Moreover, we prove that if is a first countable...
We study relationships between separability with other properties in semi-stratifiable spaces. Especially, we prove the following statements: (1) If is a semi-stratifiable space, then is separable if and only if is ; (2) If is a star countable extent semi-stratifiable space and has a dense metrizable subspace, then is separable; (3) Let be a -monolithic star countable extent semi-stratifiable space. If and , then is hereditarily separable. Finally, we prove that for any -space...
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