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A differential geometric setting for dynamic equivalence and dynamic linearization

Jean-Baptiste Pomet — 1995

Banach Center Publications

This paper presents an (infinite-dimensional) geometric framework for control systems, based on infinite jet bundles, where a system is represented by a single vector field and dynamic equivalence (to be precise: equivalence by endogenous dynamic feedback) is conjugation by diffeomorphisms. These diffeomorphisms are very much related to Lie-Bäcklund transformations. It is proved in this framework that dynamic equivalence of single-input systems is the same as static equivalence.

Flatness and Monge parameterization of two-input systems, control-affine with 4 states or general with 3 states

David AvanessoffJean-Baptiste Pomet — 2007

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper studies Monge parameterization, or differential flatness, of control-affine systems with four states and two controls. Some of them are known to be flat, and this implies admitting a Monge parameterization. Focusing on systems outside this class, we describe the only possible structure of such a parameterization for these systems, and give a lower bound on the order of this parameterization, if it exists. This lower-bound is good enough to recover the known results about “-flatness”...

Control Lyapunov functions for homogeneous “Jurdjevic-Quinn” systems

ludovic faubourgjean-baptiste pomet — 2010

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper presents a method to design explicit control Lyapunov functions for affine and homogeneous systems that satisfy the so-called “Jurdjevic-Quinn conditions”. For these systems a positive definite function is known that can only be made non increasing by feedback. We describe how a control Lyapunov function can be obtained a deformation of this “weak” Lyapunov function. Some examples are presented, and the linear quadratic situation is treated as an illustration.

Riemannian metrics on 2D-manifolds related to the Euler−Poinsot rigid body motion

Bernard BonnardOlivier CotsJean-Baptiste PometNataliya Shcherbakova — 2014

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

The Euler−Poinsot rigid body motion is a standard mechanical system and it is a model for left-invariant Riemannian metrics on (3). In this article using the Serret−Andoyer variables we parameterize the solutions and compute the Jacobi fields in relation with the conjugate locus evaluation. Moreover, the metric can be restricted to a 2D-surface, and the conjugate points of this metric are evaluated using recent works on surfaces of revolution. Another related 2D-metric on S associated to the dynamics...

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