Stability of semilinear equations with boundary and pointwise noise
Stability of an invariant measure of stochastic differential equation with respect to bounded pertubations of its coefficients is investigated. The results as well as some earlier author's results on Liapunov type stability of the invariant measure are applied to a system describing molecular rotation.
For a wide class of Markov processes on a Hilbert space H, defined by semilinear stochastic partial differential equations, we show that their transition semigroups map bounded Borel functions to functions weakly continuous on bounded sets, provided they map bounded Borel functions into functions continuous in the norm topology. In particular, an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process in H is strong Feller in the norm topology if and only if it is strong Feller in the bounded weak topology. As a consequence,...
A rather general class of stochastic evolution equations in Hilbert spaces whose transition semigroups are Feller with respect to the weak topology is found, and consequences for existence of invariant measures are discussed.
We study ergodic properties of stochastic dissipative systems with additive noise. We show that the system is uniformly exponentially ergodic provided the growth of nonlinearity at infinity is faster than linear. The abstract result is applied to the stochastic reaction diffusion equation in with .
A stochastic affine evolution equation with bilinear noise term is studied, where the driving process is a real-valued fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter greater than . Stochastic integration is understood in the Skorokhod sense. The existence and uniqueness of weak solution is proved and some results on the large time dynamics are obtained.
The paper presents a review of some recent results on uniqueness of invariant measures for stochastic differential equations in infinite-dimensional state spaces, with particular attention paid to stochastic partial differential equations. Related results on asymptotic behaviour of solutions like ergodic theorems and convergence of probability laws of solutions in strong and weak topologies are also reviewed.
In the present paper integral continuity theorems for solutions of stochastic evolution equations of parabolic type on unbounded time intervals are established. For this purpose, the asymptotic stability of stochastic partial differential equations is investigated, the results obtained being of independent interest. Stochastic evolution equations are treated as equations in Hilbert spaces within the framework of the semigroup approach.
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