Displaying similar documents to “Stabilité L 1 d’ondes progressives de lois de conservation scalaires”

Sur les courbes hyperelliptiques cyclotomiques et les équations x p - y p = c z ²

Wilfrid Ivorra


Let p be a prime number ≥ 11 and c be a square-free integer ≥ 3. In this paper, we study the diophantine equation x p - y p = c z ² in the case where p belongs to 11,13,17. More precisely, we prove that for those primes, there is no integer solution (x,y,z) to this equation satisfying gcd(x,y,z) = 1 and xyz ≠ 0 if the integer c has the following property: if ℓ is a prime number dividing c then ℓ ≢ 1 mod p. To obtain this result, we consider the hyperelliptic curves C p : y ² = Φ p ( x ) and D p : p y ² = Φ p ( x ) , where Φ p is the pth cyclotomic...

Idéaux fermés de certaines algèbres de Beurling et application aux opérateurs à spectre dénombrable

Cyril Agrafeuil (2005)

Studia Mathematica


We denote by the unit circle and by the unit disc of ℂ. Let s be a non-negative real and ω a weight such that ω ( n ) = ( 1 + n ) s (n ≥ 0) and the sequence ( ω ( - n ) / ( 1 + n ) s ) n 0 is non-decreasing. We define the Banach algebra A ω ( ) = f ( ) : | | f | | ω = n = - + | f ̂ ( n ) | ω ( n ) < + . If I is a closed ideal of A ω ( ) , we set h ( I ) = z : f ( z ) = 0 ( f I ) . We describe all closed ideals I of A ω ( ) such that h⁰(I) is at most countable. A similar result is obtained for closed ideals of the algebra A s ( ) = f A ω ( ) : f ̂ ( n ) = 0 ( n < 0 ) without inner factor. Then we use this description to establish a link between operators with countable spectrum and interpolating...

Sur un problème de Rényi et Ivić concernant les fonctions de diviseurs de Piltz

Rimer Zurita (2013)

Acta Arithmetica


Let Ω(n) and ω(n) denote the number of distinct prime factors of the positive integer n, counted respectively with and without multiplicity. Let d k ( n ) denote the Piltz function (which counts the number of ways of writing n as a product of k factors). We obtain a precise estimate of the sum n x , Ω ( n ) - ω ( n ) = q f ( n ) for a class of multiplicative functions f, including in particular f ( n ) = d k ( n ) , unconditionally if 1 ≤ k ≤ 3, and under some reasonable assumptions if k ≥ 4. The result also applies to f(n) = φ(n)/n (where φ is...

Sur un problème parabolique-elliptique

Philippe Benilan, Petra Wittbold (2010)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis


We prove existence (uniqueness is easy) of a weak solution to a boundary value problem for an equation like ( v - 1 ) t + = v x x + F ( v ) x where the function F : is only supposed to be locally lipschitz continuous. In order to replace the lack of compactness in on , we use nonlinear semigroup theory.

Présentation jordanienne de l'algèbre de Weyl A₂

J. Alev, F. Dumas (2001)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let k be a commutative field. For any a,b∈ k, we denote by J a , b ( k ) the deformation of the 2-dimensional Weyl algebra over k associated with the Jordanian Hecke symmetry with parameters a and b. We prove that: (i) any J a , b ( k ) can be embedded in the usual Weyl algebra A₂(k), and (ii) J a , b ( k ) is isomorphic to A₂(k) if and only if a = b.

Fonctions maximales centrées de Hardy-Littlewood sur les groupes de Heisenberg

Hong-Quan Li (2009)

Studia Mathematica


By getting uniformly asymptotic estimates for the Poisson kernel on Heisenberg groups 2 n + 1 , we prove that there exists a constant A > 0, independent of n ∈ ℕ*, such that for all f L ¹ ( 2 n + 1 ) , we have | | M f | | L 1 , A n | | f | | , where M denotes the centered Hardy-Littlewood maximal function defined by the Carnot-Carathéodory distance or by the Korányi norm.

Une formule pour les extensions de foncteurs composés

Alain Troesch (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let p be a prime, and let ℱ be the category of functors from the finite p -vector spaces to all p -vector spaces. The object Id of ℱ is the inclusion functor. Let F and G be two objects in ℱ. If F and G satisfy suitable conditions, the main result of this paper allows one to compute E x t * ( I d , G F ) from the knowledge of E x t * ( I d , F ) and E x t * ( I d , G ) .

Les -types du système

K. Nour (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications


We prove in this paper that the types of system inhabited uniquely by λ-terms (the -types) have a positive quantifier. We give also consequences of this result and some examples.

Inégalités à poids pour l'opérateur de Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev dans les espaces métriques mesurés à deux demi-dimensions

David Mascré (2006)

Colloquium Mathematicae


On a metric measure space (X,ϱ,μ), consider the weight functions w α ( x ) = ϱ ( x , z ) - α if ϱ(x,z₀) < 1, w α ( x ) = ϱ ( x , z ) - α if ϱ(x,z₀) ≥ 1, w β ( x ) = ϱ ( x , z ) - β if ϱ(x,z₀) < 1, w β ( x ) = ϱ ( x , z ) - β if ϱ(x,z₀) ≥ 1, where z₀ is a given point of X, and let κ a : X × X be an operator kernel satisfying κ a ( x , y ) c ϱ ( x , y ) a - d for all x,y ∈ X such that ϱ(x,y) < 1, κ a ( x , y ) c ϱ ( x , y ) a - D for all x,y ∈ X such that ϱ(x,y)≥ 1, where 0 < a < min(d,D), and d and D are respectively the local and global volume growth rate of the space X. We determine conditions on a, α₀, α₁, β₀, β₁ ∈ ℝ for the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev...

Derivees tangentielles des fonctions de la classe k , α dans les domaines de type fini de ℂ²

Laurent Verdoucq (2002)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


Let Ω be a domain of finite type in ℂ² and let f be a function holomorphic in Ω and belonging to k , α ( Ω ̅ ) . We prove the existence of boundary values for some suitable derivatives of f of order greater than k. The gain of derivatives holds in the complex-tangential direction and it is precisely related to the geometry of ∂Ω. Then we prove a property of non-isotropic Hölder regularity for these boundary values. This generalizes some results given by J. Bruna and J. M. Ortega for the unit ball. ...

Espaces BMO, inégalités de Paley et multiplicateurs idempotents

Hubert Lelièvre (1997)

Studia Mathematica


Generalizing the classical BMO spaces defined on the unit circle with vector or scalar values, we define the spaces B M O ψ q ( ) and B M O ψ q ( , B ) , where ψ q ( x ) = e x q - 1 for x ≥ 0 and q ∈ [1,∞[, and where B is a Banach space. Note that B M O ψ 1 ( ) = B M O ( ) and B M O ψ 1 ( , B ) = B M O ( , B ) by the John-Nirenberg theorem. Firstly, we study a generalization of the classical Paley inequality and improve the Blasco-Pełczyński theorem in the vector case. Secondly, we compute the idempotent multipliers of B M O ψ q ( ) . Pisier conjectured that the supports of idempotent multipliers of...

L p ( G , X * ) comme sous-espace complémenté de L q ( G , X ) *

Mohammad Daher (2013)

Colloquium Mathematicae


Let G be a compact metric infinite abelian group and let X be a Banach space. We study the following question: if the dual X* of X does not have the Radon-Nikodym property, is L p ( G , X * ) complemented in L q ( G , X ) * , 1 < p ≤ ∞, 1/p + 1/q = 1, or, if p = 1, in the subspace of C(G,X)* consisting of the measures that are absolutely continuous with respect to the Haar measure? We show that the answer is negative if X is separable and does not contain ℓ¹, and if 1 ≤ p < ∞. If p = 1, this answers a question...

Feuilletages holomorphes de codimension un dont la classe canonique est triviale

Frédéric Touzet (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


We give a description of Kähler manifolds M equipped with an integrable subbundle of T M of rank n - 1 ( n = dim M ) under the assumption that the line bundle D é t is numerically trivial. This is a sort of foliated version of Bogomolov’s theorem concerning Kähler manifolds with trivial canonical class.

Ground states of supersymmetric matrix models

Gian Michele Graf (1998-1999)

Séminaire Équations aux dérivées partielles


We consider supersymmetric matrix Hamiltonians. The existence of a zero-energy bound state, in particular for the d = 9 model, is of interest in M-theory. While we do not quite prove its existence, we show that the decay at infinity such a state would have is compatible with normalizability (and hence existence) in d = 9 . Moreover, it would be unique. Other values of d , where the situation is somewhat different, shall also be addressed. The analysis is based on a Born-Oppenheimer approximation....

Sur la classification des séries discrètes des groupes classiques p-adiques: paramètres de Langlands et exhaustivité

Colette Moeglin (2002)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


In this paper, we are giving parameters for discrete series of classical p -adic groups. We first define: the analogous of the Langlands morphism of W F in the L -group, part of the analogous of the character of the centralizer of that morphism and, to supply the missing part of the full definition of that character, the cuspidal support of the representation. Then, we state an hypothesis on the reducibility points for induced of cuspidal representations. And we prove that, under this hypothesis,...

Théorèmes de préparation Gevrey et étude de certaines applications formelles

Augustin Mouze (2003)

Annales Polonici Mathematici


We consider subrings A of the ring of formal power series. They are defined by growth conditions on coefficients such as, for instance, Gevrey conditions. We prove preparation theorems of Malgrange type in these rings. As a consequence we study maps F from s to p without constant term such that the rank of the Jacobian matrix of F is equal to 1. Let be a formal power series. If F is a holomorphic map, the following result is well known: ∘ F is analytic implies there exists a convergent...

Perte de régularité pour les équations d’ondes sur-critiques

Gilles Lebeau (2005)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


On prouve que le problème de Cauchy local pour l’équation d’onde sur-critique dans d , u + u p = 0 , p impair, avec d 3 et p &gt; ( d + 2 ) / ( d - 2 ) , est mal posé dans H σ pour tout σ ] 1 , σ crit [ , où σ crit = d / 2 - 2 / ( p - 1 ) est l’exposant critique.

Système de processus auto-stabilisants

Samuel Herrmann


Taking an odd increasing Lipschitz-continuous function with polynomial growth β, an odd Lipschitz-continuous and bounded function ϕ satisfying sgn(x)ϕ(x) ≥ 0 and a parameter a ∈ [1/2,1], we consider the (nonlinear) stochastic differential system ⎧ X t = X + B t + a 0 t ϕ * v s ( X s ) d s - ( 1 - a ) 0 t β * u s ( X s ) d s , (E)⎨ ⎩ Y t = Y + B ̃ t + ( 1 - a ) 0 t ϕ * u s ( Y s ) d s - a 0 t β * v s ( Y s ) d s , ( X t d x ) = u t ( d x ) and ( Y t d x ) = v t ( d x ) , where β * u t ( x ) = β ( x - y ) u t ( d y ) , ( B t ) t 0 and ( B ̃ t ) t 0 are independent Brownian motions. We show that (E) admits a stationary probability measure, and, under some additional conditions, that ( X t , Y t ) converges in distribution to this invariant measure. Moreover we...

Semi-stabilité des courbes elliptiques

Nicolas Billerey


Let K be a finite extension of ℚ₂ complete with a discrete valuation v, K̅ an algebraic closure of K, and K n r its maximal unramified subextension. Let E be an elliptic curve defined over K with additive reduction over K and having an integral modular invariant j. There exists a smallest extension L of K n r over which E has good reduction. For some congruences modulo 12 of the valuation v(j) of j, we give the degree of the extension L / K n r . When K is a quadratic ramified extension of ℚ₂, we determine...

Solutions globales de l’équation des ondes semi-linéaire critique à coefficients variables

Slim Ibrahim, Mohamed Majdoub (2003)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France


Dans ce travail, on s’intéresse à l’existence globale de solutions classiques et au sens de Shatah-Struwe de l’équation des ondes critique à coefficients variables en dimension d d’espace A u + | u | 4 / ( d - 2 ) u = t 2 u - div ( A ( x ) · x u ) + | u | 4 / ( d - 2 ) u = 0 , t × x d , A est une fonction régulière à valeurs dans les matrices d × d définies positives, valant l’identité en dehors d’un compact fixe.