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Displaying similar documents to “On strong uniform distribution, II. The infinite-dimensional case”

Ultrametric spaces bi-Lipschitz embeddable in n

Kerkko Luosto (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


It is proved that if an ultrametric space can be bi-Lipschitz embedded in n , then its Assouad dimension is less than n. Together with a result of Luukkainen and Movahedi-Lankarani, where the converse was shown, this gives a characterization in terms of Assouad dimension of the ultrametric spaces which are bi-Lipschitz embeddable in n .

The relative coincidence Nielsen number

Jerzy Jezierski (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We define a relative coincidence Nielsen number N r e l ( f , g ) for pairs of maps between manifolds, prove a Wecken type theorem for this invariant and give some formulae expressing N r e l ( f , g ) by the ordinary Nielsen numbers.

Shift spaces and attractors in noninvertible horseshoes

H. Bothe (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


As is well known, a horseshoe map, i.e. a special injective reimbedding of the unit square I 2 in 2 (or more generally, of the cube I m in m ) as considered first by S. Smale [5], defines a shift dynamics on the maximal invariant subset of I 2 (or I m ). It is shown that this remains true almost surely for noninjective maps provided the contraction rate of the mapping in the stable direction is sufficiently strong, and bounds for this rate are given.

The Iwasawa λ-invariants of ℤₚ-extensions of real quadratic fields

Takashi Fukuda, Hisao Taya (1995)

Acta Arithmetica


1. Introduction. Let k be a totally real number field. Let p be a fixed prime number and ℤₚ the ring of all p-adic integers. We denote by λ=λₚ(k), μ=μₚ(k) and ν=νₚ(k) the Iwasawa invariants of the cyclotomic ℤₚ-extension k of k for p (cf. [10]). Then Greenberg’s conjecture states that both λₚ(k) and μₚ(k) always vanish (cf. [8]). In other words, the order of the p-primary part of the ideal class group of kₙ remains bounded as n tends to infinity, where kₙ is the nth layer of k / k . We know...