Displaying similar documents to “An entropy for 2 -actions with finite entropy generators”

Shift spaces and attractors in noninvertible horseshoes

H. Bothe (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


As is well known, a horseshoe map, i.e. a special injective reimbedding of the unit square I 2 in 2 (or more generally, of the cube I m in m ) as considered first by S. Smale [5], defines a shift dynamics on the maximal invariant subset of I 2 (or I m ). It is shown that this remains true almost surely for noninjective maps provided the contraction rate of the mapping in the stable direction is sufficiently strong, and bounds for this rate are given.

The space of ANR’s in n

Tadeusz Dobrowolski, Leonard Rubin (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The hyperspaces A N R ( n ) and A R ( n ) in 2 n ( n 3 ) consisting respectively of all compact absolute neighborhood retracts and all compact absolute retracts are studied. It is shown that both have the Borel type of absolute G δ σ δ -spaces and that, indeed, they are not F σ δ σ -spaces. The main result is that A N R ( n ) is an absorber for the class of all absolute G δ σ δ -spaces and is therefore homeomorphic to the standard model space Ω 3 of this class.

Universal spaces in the theory of transfinite dimension, II

Wojciech Olszewski (1994)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We construct a family of spaces with “nice” structure which is universal in the class of all compact metrizable spaces of large transfinite dimension ω 0 , or, equivalently, of small transfinite dimension ω 0 ; that is, the family consists of compact metrizable spaces whose transfinite dimension is ω 0 , and every compact metrizable space with transfinite dimension ω 0 is embeddable in a space of the family. We show that the least possible cardinality of such a universal family is equal to the...

A generalisation of Mahler measure and its application in algebraic dynamical systems

Manfred Einsiedler (1999)

Acta Arithmetica


We prove a generalisation of the entropy formula for certain algebraic d -actions given in [2] and [4]. This formula expresses the entropy as the logarithm of the Mahler measure of a Laurent polynomial in d variables with integral coefficients. We replace the rational integers by the integers in a number field and examine the entropy of the corresponding dynamical system.

Countable partitions of the sets of points and lines

James Schmerl (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


The following theorem is proved, answering a question raised by Davies in 1963. If L 0 L 1 L 2 . . . is a partition of the set of lines of n , then there is a partition n = S 0 S 1 S 2 . . . such that | S i | 2 whenever L i . There are generalizations to some other, higher-dimensional subspaces, improving recent results of Erdős, Jackson Mauldin.

The relative coincidence Nielsen number

Jerzy Jezierski (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


We define a relative coincidence Nielsen number N r e l ( f , g ) for pairs of maps between manifolds, prove a Wecken type theorem for this invariant and give some formulae expressing N r e l ( f , g ) by the ordinary Nielsen numbers.

Length of continued fractions in principal quadratic fields

Guillaume Grisel (1998)

Acta Arithmetica


Let d ≥ 2 be a square-free integer and for all n ≥ 0, let l ( ( d ) 2 n + 1 ) be the length of the continued fraction expansion of ( d ) 2 n + 1 . If ℚ(√d) is a principal quadratic field, then under a condition on the fundamental unit of ℤ[√d] we prove that there exist constants C₁ and C₂ such that C ( d ) 2 n + 1 l ( ( d ) 2 n + 1 ) C ( d ) 2 n + 1 for all large n. This is a generalization of a theorem of S. Chowla and S. S. Pillai [2] and an improvement in a particular case of a theorem of [6].

Definability within structures related to Pascal’s triangle modulo an integer

Alexis Bès, Ivan Korec (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let Sq denote the set of squares, and let S Q n be the squaring function restricted to powers of n; let ⊥ denote the coprimeness relation. Let B n ( x , y ) = ( x + y x ) M O D n . For every integer n ≥ 2 addition and multiplication are definable in the structures ⟨ℕ; Bn,⊥⟩ and ⟨ℕ; Bn,Sq⟩; thus their elementary theories are undecidable. On the other hand, for every prime p the elementary theory of ⟨ℕ; Bp,SQp⟩ is decidable.

How to recognize a true Σ^0_3 set

Etienne Matheron (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X be a Polish space, and let ( A p ) p ω be a sequence of G δ hereditary subsets of K(X) (the space of compact subsets of X). We give a general criterion which allows one to decide whether p ω A p is a true 3 0 subset of K(X). We apply this criterion to show that several natural families of thin sets from harmonic analysis are true 3 0 .

A combinatorial approach to partitions with parts in the gaps

Dennis Eichhorn (1998)

Acta Arithmetica


Many links exist between ordinary partitions and partitions with parts in the “gaps”. In this paper, we explore combinatorial explanations for some of these links, along with some natural generalizations. In particular, if we let p k , m ( j , n ) be the number of partitions of n into j parts where each part is ≡ k (mod m), 1 ≤ k ≤ m, and we let p * k , m ( j , n ) be the number of partitions of n into j parts where each part is ≡ k (mod m) with parts of size k in the gaps, then p * k , m ( j , n ) = p k , m ( j , n ) .

Dugundji extenders and retracts on generalized ordered spaces

Gary Gruenhage, Yasunao Hattori, Haruto Ohta (1998)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


For a subspace A of a space X, a linear extender φ:C(A) → C(X) is called an L c h -extender (resp. L c c h -extender) if φ(f)[X] is included in the convex hull (resp. closed convex hull) of f[A] for each f ∈ C(A). Consider the following conditions (i)-(vii) for a closed subset A of a GO-space X: (i) A is a retract of X; (ii) A is a retract of the union of A and all clopen convex components of X; (iii) there is a continuous L c h -extender φ:C(A × Y) → C(X × Y), with respect to both the compact-open topology...

On strong uniform distribution, II. The infinite-dimensional case

Y. Lacroix (1998)

Acta Arithmetica


We construct infinite-dimensional chains that are L¹ good for almost sure convergence, which settles a question raised in this journal [N]. We give some conditions for a coprime generated chain to be bad for L² or L , using the entropy method. It follows that such a chain with positive lower density is bad for L . There also exist such bad chains with zero density.

Homotopy orbits of free loop spaces

Marcel Bökstedt, Iver Ottosen (1999)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let X be a space with free loop space ΛX and mod two cohomology R = H*X. We construct functors Ω λ ( R ) and ℓ(R) together with algebra homomorphisms e : Ω λ ( R ) H * ( Λ X ) and ψ : ( R ) H * ( E S 1 × S 1 Λ X ) . When X is 1-connected and R is a symmetric algebra we show that these are isomorphisms.

The Zahorski theorem is valid in Gevrey classes

Jean Schmets, Manuel Valdivia (1996)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let Ω,F,G be a partition of n such that Ω is open, F is F σ and of the first category, and G is G δ . We prove that, for every γ ∈ ]1,∞[, there is an element of the Gevrey class Γγ which is analytic on Ω, has F as its set of defect points and has G as its set of divergence points.

Operators on C(ω^α) which do not preserve C(ω^α)

Dale Alspach (1997)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


It is shown that if α,ζ are ordinals such that 1 ≤ ζ < α < ζω, then there is an operator from C ( ω ω α ) onto itself such that if Y is a subspace of C ( ω ω α ) which is isomorphic to C ( ω ω α ) , then the operator is not an isomorphism on Y. This contrasts with a result of J. Bourgain that implies that there are uncountably many ordinals α for which for any operator from C ( ω ω α ) onto itself there is a subspace of C ( ω ω α ) which is isomorphic to C ( ω ω α ) on which the operator is an isomorphism.