Displaying similar documents to “Adjoint representation of E 8 and del Pezzo surfaces of degree 1

Equations of some wonderful compactifications

Pascal Hivert (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


De Concini and Procesi have defined the wonderful compactification X ¯ of a symmetric space X = G / G σ where G is a complex semisimple adjoint group and G σ the subgroup of fixed points of G by an involution σ . It is a closed subvariety of a Grassmannian of the Lie algebra 𝔤 of G . In this paper we prove that, when the rank of X is equal to the rank of G , the variety is defined by linear equations. The set of equations expresses the fact that the invariant alternate trilinear form w on 𝔤 vanishes...

Normality and non-normality of group compactifications in simple projective spaces

Paolo Bravi, Jacopo Gandini, Andrea Maffei, Alessandro Ruzzi (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Given an irreducible representation V of a complex simply connected semisimple algebraic group G we consider the closure X of the image of G in ( End ( V ) ) . We determine for which V the variety X is normal and for which V is smooth.

Linear maps preserving orbits

Gerald W. Schwarz (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let H GL ( V ) be a connected complex reductive group where V is a finite-dimensional complex vector space. Let v V and let G = { g GL ( V ) g H v = H v } . Following Raïs we say that the orbit H v is if the identity component of G is H . If H is semisimple, we say that H v is for H if the identity component of G is an extension of H by a torus. We classify the H -orbits which are not (semi)-characteristic in many cases.

Obstructions to deforming curves on a 3 -fold, II: Deformations of degenerate curves on a del Pezzo 3 -fold

Hirokazu Nasu (2010)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We study the Hilbert scheme Hilb s c V of smooth connected curves on a smooth del Pezzo 3 -fold V . We prove that any degenerate curve C , any curve C contained in a smooth hyperplane section S of V , does not deform to a non-degenerate curve if the following two conditions are satisfied: (i) χ ( V , C ( S ) ) 1 and (ii) for every line on S such that C = , the normal bundle N / V is trivial (  N / V 𝒪 1 2 ). As a consequence, we prove an analogue (for Hilb s c V ) of a conjecture of J. O. Kleppe, which is concerned with non-reduced components...

The higher transvectants are redundant

Abdelmalek Abdesselam, Jaydeep Chipalkatti (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


Let A , B denote generic binary forms, and let 𝔲 r = ( A , B ) r denote their r -th transvectant in the sense of classical invariant theory. In this paper we classify all the quadratic syzygies between the { 𝔲 r } . As a consequence, we show that each of the higher transvectants { 𝔲 r : r 2 } is redundant in the sense that it can be completely recovered from 𝔲 0 and 𝔲 1 . This result can be geometrically interpreted in terms of the incomplete Segre imbedding. The calculations rely upon the Cauchy exact sequence of S L 2 -representations,...