Displaying similar documents to “Ostrowski’s type inequalities for complex functions defined on unit circle with applications for unitary operators in Hilbert spaces”

Norm inequalities for the difference between weighted and integral means of operator differentiable functions

Silvestru Sever Dragomir (2020)

Archivum Mathematicum


Let f be a continuous function on I and A , B 𝒮𝒜 I H , the convex set of selfadjoint operators with spectra in I . If A B and f , as an operator function, is Gateaux differentiable on [ A , B ] : = ( 1 - t ) A + t B t 0 , 1 , while p : 0 , 1 is Lebesgue integrable, then we have the inequalities 0 1 p τ f 1 - τ A + τ B d τ - 0 1 p τ d τ 0 1 f 1 - τ A + τ B d τ 0 1 τ ( 1 - τ ) | τ 1 p s d s 1 - τ - 0 τ p s d s τ | f 1 - τ A + τ B B - A d τ 1 4 0 1 | τ 1 p s d s 1 - τ - 0 τ p s d s τ | f 1 - τ A + τ B B - A d τ , where f is the Gateaux derivative of f .

Global analytic and Gevrey surjectivity of the Mizohata operator D 2 + i x 2 2 k D 1

Lamberto Cattabriga, Luisa Zanghirati (1990)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


The surjectivity of the operator D 2 + i x 2 2 k D 1 from the Gevrey space E s R 2 , s 1 , onto itself and its non-surjectivity from E s R 3 to E s R 3 is proved.

Inequalities for the arithmetical functions of Euler and Dedekind

Horst Alzer, Man Kam Kwong (2020)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


For positive integers n , Euler’s phi function and Dedekind’s psi function are given by φ ( n ) = n p n p prime 1 - 1 p and ψ ( n ) = n p n p prime 1 + 1 p , respectively. We prove that for all n 2 we have 1 - 1 n n - 1 1 + 1 n n + 1 φ ( n ) n φ ( n ) ψ ( n ) n ψ ( n ) and φ ( n ) n ψ ( n ) ψ ( n ) n φ ( n ) 1 - 1 n n + 1 1 + 1 n n - 1 . The sign of equality holds if and only if n is a prime. The first inequality refines results due to Atanassov (2011) and Kannan & Srikanth (2013).

Dynamic behavior of vector solutions of a class of 2-D neutral differential systems

Arun Kumar Tripathy, Shibanee Sahu (2025)

Mathematica Bohemica


This work deals with the analysis pertaining some dynamic behavior of vector solutions of first order two-dimensional neutral delay differential systems of the form d d t u ( t ) + p u ( t - τ ) v ( t ) + p v ( t - τ ) = a b c d u ( t - α ) v ( t - β ) . The effort has been made to study d d t x ( t ) - p ( t ) h 1 ( x ( t - τ ) ) y ( t ) - p ( t ) h 2 ( y ( t - τ ) ) + a ( t ) b ( t ) c ( t ) d ( t ) f 1 ( x ( t - α ) ) f 2 ( y ( t - β ) ) = 0 , where p , a , b , c , d , h 1 , h 2 , f 1 , f 2 C ( , ) ; α , β , τ + . We verify our results with the examples.

An empirical almost sure central limit theorem under the weak dependence assumptions and its application to copula processes

Marcin Dudziński (2017)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


Let: 𝐘 = 𝐘 i , where 𝐘 i = Y i , 1 , . . . , Y i , d , i = 1 , 2 , , be a d -dimensional, identically distributed, stationary, centered process with uniform marginals and a joint cdf F , and F n 𝐱 : = 1 n i = 1 n 𝕀 Y i , 1 x 1 , , Y i , d x d denote the corresponding empirical cdf. In our work, we prove the almost sure central limit theorem for an empirical process B n = n F n - F under some weak dependence conditions due to Doukhan and Louhichi. Some application of the established result to copula processes is also presented.

On the eigenvalues of an elliptic operator a x , H u

Sergio Campanato (1992)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


Let Ω be a bounded open convex set of class C 2 . Let a x , H u be a non linear operator satisfying the condition (A) (elliptic) with constants α , γ , δ . We prove that a number λ 0 is an eigenvalue for the operator a x , H u if and only if the number α λ is an eigen-value for the operator Δ u . If λ 0 , the two systems a x , H u = λ u and Δ u = α λ u have the same solutions. In particular, also the eventual eigen-values of the operator a x , H u should all be negative. Finally, we obtain a sufficient condition for the existence of solutions u H 2 H 0 1 Ω ...

Inequalities Of Lipschitz Type For Power Series In Banach Algebras

Sever S. Dragomir (2015)

Annales Mathematicae Silesianae


Let [...] f(z)=∑n=0∞αnzn f ( z ) = n = 0 α n z n be a function defined by power series with complex coefficients and convergent on the open disk D (0, R) ⊂ ℂ, R > 0. For any x, y ∈ ℬ, a Banach algebra, with ‖x‖, ‖y‖ < R we show among others that [...] ‖f(y)−f(x)‖≤‖y−x‖∫01fa′(‖(1−t)x+ty‖)dt f ( y ) - f ( x ) y - x 0 1 f a ' ( ( 1 - t ) x + t y ) d t where [...] fa(z)=∑n=0∞|αn| zn f a ( z ) = n = 0 | α n | z n . Inequalities for the commutator such as [...] ‖f(x)f(y)−f(y)f(x)‖≤2fa(M)fa′(M)‖y−x‖, f ( x ) f ( y ) - f ( y ) f ( x ) 2 f a ( M ) f a ' ( M ) y - x , if ‖x‖, ‖y‖ ≤ M < R, as well as some inequalities of Hermite–Hadamard type are also provided. ...

A note on a property of the Gini coefficient

Marian Genčev (2019)

Communications in Mathematics


The scope of this note is a self-contained presentation of a mathematical method that enables us to give an absolute upper bound for the difference of the Gini coefficients G ( σ 1 , , σ n ) - G ( γ 1 , , γ n ) , where ( γ 1 , , γ n ) represents the vector of the gross wages and ( σ 1 , , σ n ) represents the vector of the corresponding super-gross wages that is used in the Czech Republic for calculating the net wage. Since (as of June 2019) σ i = 100 · 1 . 34 γ i / 100 , the study of the above difference seems to be somewhat inaccessible for many economists. However, our estimate...