Displaying similar documents to “Definable orthogonality classes in accessible categories are small”

Cardinal sequences of length < ω₂ under GCH

István Juhász, Lajos Soukup, William Weiss (2006)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let (α) denote the class of all cardinal sequences of length α associated with compact scattered spaces (or equivalently, superatomic Boolean algebras). Also put λ ( α ) = s ( α ) : s ( 0 ) = λ = m i n [ s ( β ) : β < α ] . We show that f ∈ (α) iff for some natural number n there are infinite cardinals λ i > λ > . . . > λ n - 1 and ordinals α , . . . , α n - 1 such that α = α + + α n - 1 and f = f f . . . f n - 1 where each f i λ i ( α i ) . Under GCH we prove that if α < ω₂ then (i) ω ( α ) = s α ω , ω : s ( 0 ) = ω ; (ii) if λ > cf(λ) = ω, λ ( α ) = s α λ , λ : s ( 0 ) = λ , s - 1 λ i s ω - c l o s e d i n α ; (iii) if cf(λ) = ω₁, λ ( α ) = s α λ , λ : s ( 0 ) = λ , s - 1 λ i s ω - c l o s e d a n d s u c c e s s o r - c l o s e d i n α ; (iv) if cf(λ) > ω₁, λ ( α ) = α λ . This yields a complete characterization of the classes (α) for all...

On non-normality points, Tychonoff products and Suslin number

Sergei Logunov (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let a space X be Tychonoff product α < τ X α of τ -many Tychonoff nonsingle point spaces X α . Let Suslin number of X be strictly less than the cofinality of τ . Then we show that every point of remainder is a non-normality point of its Čech–Stone compactification β X . In particular, this is true if X is either R τ or ω τ and a cardinal τ is infinite and not countably cofinal.

Stable tubes in extriangulated categories

Li Wang, Jiaqun Wei, Haicheng Zhang (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let 𝒳 be a semibrick in an extriangulated category. If 𝒳 is a τ -semibrick, then the Auslander-Reiten quiver Γ ( ( 𝒳 ) ) of the filtration subcategory ( 𝒳 ) generated by 𝒳 is 𝔸 . If 𝒳 = { X i } i = 1 t is a τ -cycle semibrick, then Γ ( ( 𝒳 ) ) is 𝔸 / τ 𝔸 t .

On the solvability of systems of linear equations over the ring of integers

Horst Herrlich, Eleftherios Tachtsis (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We investigate the question whether a system ( E i ) i I of homogeneous linear equations over is non-trivially solvable in provided that each subsystem ( E j ) j J with | J | c is non-trivially solvable in where c is a fixed cardinal number such that c < | I | . Among other results, we establish the following. (a) The answer is ‘No’ in the finite case (i.e., I being finite). (b) The answer is ‘No’ in the denumerable case (i.e., | I | = 0 and c a natural number). (c) The answer in case that I is uncountable and c 0 is ‘No...

Cardinal invariants for κ-box products: weight, density character and Suslin number

W. W. Comfort, Ivan S. Gotchev


The symbol ( X I ) κ (with κ ≥ ω) denotes the space X I : = i I X i with the κ-box topology; this has as base all sets of the form U = i I U i with U i open in X i and with | i I : U i X i | < κ . The symbols w, d and S denote respectively the weight, density character and Suslin number. Generalizing familiar classical results, the authors show inter alia: Theorem 3.1.10(b). If κ ≤ α⁺, |I| = α and each X i contains the discrete space 0,1 and satisfies w ( X i ) α , then w ( X κ ) = α < κ . Theorem 4.3.2. If ω κ | I | 2 α and X = ( D ( α ) ) I with D(α) discrete, |D(α)| = α, then d ( ( X I ) κ ) = α < κ . Corollaries 5.2.32(a)...

On certain non-constructive properties of infinite-dimensional vector spaces

Eleftherios Tachtsis (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


In set theory without the axiom of choice ( AC ), we study certain non-constructive properties of infinite-dimensional vector spaces. Among several results, we establish the following: (i) None of the principles AC LO (AC for linearly ordered families of nonempty sets)—and hence AC WO (AC for well-ordered families of nonempty sets)— DC ( < κ ) (where κ is an uncountable regular cardinal), and “for every infinite set X , there is a bijection f : X { 0 , 1 } × X ”, implies the statement “there exists a field F such that...

On ordinals accessible by infinitary languages

Saharon Shelah, Pauli Väisänen, Jouko Väänänen (2005)

Fundamenta Mathematicae


Let λ be an infinite cardinal number. The ordinal number δ(λ) is the least ordinal γ such that if ϕ is any sentence of L λ ω , with a unary predicate D and a binary predicate ≺, and ϕ has a model ℳ with D , a well-ordering of type ≥ γ, then ϕ has a model ℳ ’ where D ' , ' is non-well-ordered. One of the interesting properties of this number is that the Hanf number of L λ ω is exactly δ ( λ ) . It was proved in [BK71] that if ℵ₀ < λ < κ a r e r e g u l a r c a r d i n a l n u m b e r s , t h e n t h e r e i s a f o r c i n g e x t e n s i o n , p r e s e r v i n g c o f i n a l i t i e s , s u c h t h a t i n t h e e x t e n s i o n 2λ = κ a n d δ ( λ ) < λ . W e i m p r o v e t h i s r e s u l t b y p r o v i n g t h e f o l l o w i n g : S u p p o s e < λ < θ κ a r e c a r d i n a l n u m b e r s s u c h t h a t λ < λ = λ ; ∙ cf(θ) ≥ λ⁺ and μ λ < θ whenever μ < θ; ∙ κ λ = κ . Then there...

Coloring Cantor sets and resolvability of pseudocompact spaces

István Juhász, Lajos Soukup, Zoltán Szentmiklóssy (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Let us denote by Φ ( λ , μ ) the statement that 𝔹 ( λ ) = D ( λ ) ω , i.e. the Baire space of weight λ , has a coloring with μ colors such that every homeomorphic copy of the Cantor set in 𝔹 ( λ ) picks up all the μ colors. We call a space X π -regular if it is Hausdorff and for every nonempty open set U in X there is a nonempty open set V such that V ¯ U . We recall that a space X is called feebly compact if every locally finite collection of open sets in X is finite. A Tychonov space is pseudocompact if and...

Spaces with property ( D C ( ω 1 ) )

Wei-Feng Xuan, Wei-Xue Shi (2017)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We prove that if X is a first countable space with property ( D C ( ω 1 ) ) and with a G δ -diagonal then the cardinality of X is at most 𝔠 . We also show that if X is a first countable, DCCC, normal space then the extent of X is at most 𝔠 .

Exponential domination in function spaces

Vladimir Vladimirovich Tkachuk (2020)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Given a Tychonoff space X and an infinite cardinal κ , we prove that exponential κ -domination in X is equivalent to exponential κ -cofinality of C p ( X ) . On the other hand, exponential κ -cofinality of X is equivalent to exponential κ -domination in C p ( X ) . We show that every exponentially κ -cofinal space X has a κ + -small diagonal; besides, if X is κ -stable, then n w ( X ) κ . In particular, any compact exponentially κ -cofinal space has weight not exceeding κ . We also establish that any exponentially κ -cofinal...

Cotorsion pairs in comma categories

Yuan Yuan, Jian He, Dejun Wu (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal


Let 𝒜 and be abelian categories with enough projective and injective objects, and T : 𝒜 a left exact additive functor. Then one has a comma category ( T ) . It is shown that if T : 𝒜 is 𝒳 -exact, then ( 𝒳 , 𝒳 ) is a (hereditary) cotorsion pair in 𝒜 and ( 𝒴 , 𝒴 ) ) is a (hereditary) cotorsion pair in if and only if 𝒳 𝒴 , 𝐡 ( 𝒳 , 𝒴 ) ) is a (hereditary) cotorsion pair in ( T ) and 𝒳 and 𝒴 are closed under extensions. Furthermore, we characterize when special preenveloping classes in abelian categories 𝒜 and can induce special preenveloping...

Limits and colimits in certain categories of spaces of continuous functions

Marvin W. Grossman


CONTENTSIntroduction................................................................................................................................................................................5§ 1. Notation and preliminaries.............................................................................................................................................6§ 2. Epimorphisms and monomorphisms.........................................................................................................................7§...

On preimages of ultrafilters in ZF

Horst Herrlich, Paul Howard, Kyriakos Keremedis (2016)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


We show that given infinite sets X , Y and a function f : X Y which is onto and n -to-one for some n , the preimage of any ultrafilter of Y under f extends to an ultrafilter. We prove that the latter result is, in some sense, the best possible by constructing a permutation model with a set of atoms A and a finite-to-one onto function f : A ω such that for each free ultrafilter of ω its preimage under f does not extend to an ultrafilter. In addition, we show that in there exists an ultrafilter compact...

On almost complex structures from classical linear connections

Jan Kurek, Włodzimierz M. Mikulski (2017)

Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska, sectio A – Mathematica


Let f m be the category of m -dimensional manifolds and local diffeomorphisms and  let T be the tangent functor on f m . Let 𝒱 be the category of real vector spaces and linear maps and let 𝒱 m be the category of m -dimensional real vector spaces and linear isomorphisms. We characterize all regular covariant functors F : 𝒱 m 𝒱 admitting f m -natural operators J ˜ transforming classical linear connections on m -dimensional manifolds M into almost complex structures J ˜ ( ) on F ( T ) M = x M F ( T x M ) .

On category 𝒪 for cyclotomic rational Cherednik algebras

Iain G. Gordon, Ivan Losev (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We study equivalences for category 𝒪 p of the rational Cherednik algebras 𝐇 p of type G ( n ) = ( μ ) n 𝔖 n : a highest weight equivalence between 𝒪 p and 𝒪 σ ( p ) for σ 𝔖 and an action of 𝔖 on an explicit non-empty Zariski open set of parameters p ; a derived equivalence between 𝒪 p and 𝒪 p ' whenever p and p ' have integral difference; a highest weight equivalence between 𝒪 p and a parabolic category 𝒪 for the general linear group, under a non-rationality assumption on the parameter p . As a consequence, we confirm special cases...

Selectors of discrete coarse spaces

Igor Protasov (2022)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae


Given a coarse space ( X , ) with the bornology of bounded subsets, we extend the coarse structure from X × X to the natural coarse structure on ( { } ) × ( { } ) and say that a macro-uniform mapping f : ( { } ) X (or f : [ X ] 2 X ) is a selector (or 2-selector) of ( X , ) if f ( A ) A for each A { } ( A [ X ] 2 , respectively). We prove that a discrete coarse space ( X , ) admits a selector if and only if ( X , ) admits a 2-selector if and only if there exists a linear order “ " on X such that the family of intervals { [ a , b ] : a , b X , a b } is a base for the bornology .