Displaying similar documents to “Presentations of finite simple groups: a computational approach”

On the topology of polynomials with bounded integer coefficients

De-Jun Feng (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


For a real number q > 1 and a positive integer m , let Y m ( q ) : = i = 0 n ϵ i q i : ϵ i 0 , ± 1 , ... , ± m , n = 0 , 1 , ... . In this paper, we show that Y m ( q ) is dense in if and only if q < m + 1 and q is not a Pisot number. This completes several previous results and answers an open question raised by Erdös, Joó and Komornik [8].

Groups of given intermediate word growth

Laurent Bartholdi, Anna Erschler (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier


We show that there exists a finitely generated group of growth f for all functions f : + + satisfying f ( 2 R ) f ( R ) 2 f ( η + R ) for all R large enough and η + 2 . 4675 the positive root of X 3 - X 2 - 2 X - 4 . Set α - = log 2 / log η + 0 . 7674 ; then all functions that grow uniformly faster than exp ( R α - ) are realizable as the growth of a group. We also give a family of sum-contracting branched groups of growth exp ( R α ) for a dense set of α [ α - , 1 ] .

Permutability of centre-by-finite groups

Brunetto Piochi (1989)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


Let G be a group and m be an integer greater than or equal to 2 . G is said to be m -permutable if every product of m elements can be reordered at least in one way. We prove that, if G has a centre of finite index z , then G is ( 1 + [ z / 2 ] ) -permutable. More bounds are given on the least m such that G is m -permutable.

Global analytic and Gevrey surjectivity of the Mizohata operator D 2 + i x 2 2 k D 1

Lamberto Cattabriga, Luisa Zanghirati (1990)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni


The surjectivity of the operator D 2 + i x 2 2 k D 1 from the Gevrey space E s R 2 , s 1 , onto itself and its non-surjectivity from E s R 3 to E s R 3 is proved.

Limits of relatively hyperbolic groups and Lyndon’s completions

Olga Kharlampovich, Alexei Myasnikov (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We describe finitely generated groups H universally equivalent (with constants from G in the language) to a given torsion-free relatively hyperbolic group G with free abelian parabolics. It turns out that, as in the free group case, the group H embeds into the Lyndon’s completion G [ t ] of the group G , or, equivalently, H embeds into a group obtained from G by finitely many extensions of centralizers. Conversely, every subgroup of G [ t ] containing G is universally equivalent to G . Since finitely...

On the structural theory of  II 1 factors of negatively curved groups

Ionut Chifan, Thomas Sinclair (2013)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure


Ozawa showed in [21] that for any i.c.c. hyperbolic group, the associated group factor L Γ is solid. Developing a new approach that combines some methods of Peterson [29], Ozawa and Popa [27, 28], and Ozawa [25], we strengthen this result by showing that L Γ is strongly solid. Using our methods in cooperation with a cocycle superrigidity result of Ioana [12], we show that profinite actions of lattices in  Sp ( n , 1 ) , n 2 , are virtually W * -superrigid.

Deformation theory and finite simple quotients of triangle groups I

Michael Larsen, Alexander Lubotzky, Claude Marion (2014)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let 2 a b c with μ = 1 / a + 1 / b + 1 / c < 1 and let T = T a , b , c = x , y , z : x a = y b = z c = x y z = 1 be the corresponding hyperbolic triangle group. Many papers have been dedicated to the following question: what are the finite (simple) groups which appear as quotients of T ? (Classically, for ( a , b , c ) = ( 2 , 3 , 7 ) and more recently also for general ( a , b , c ) .) These papers have used either explicit constructive methods or probabilistic ones. The goal of this paper is to present a new approach based on the theory of representation varieties (via deformation theory). As a corollary we essentially...

The density of representation degrees

Martin Liebeck, Dan Segal, Aner Shalev (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


For a group G and a positive real number x , define d G ( x ) to be the number of integers less than x which are dimensions of irreducible complex representations of G . We study the asymptotics of d G ( x ) for algebraic groups, arithmetic groups and finitely generated linear groups. In particular we prove an “alternative” for finitely generated linear groups G in characteristic zero, showing that either there exists α > 0 such that d G ( x ) > x α for all large x , or G is virtually abelian (in which case d G ( x ) is bounded). ...

Coxeter group actions on the complement of hyperplanes and special involutions

Giovanni Felder, A. Veselov (2005)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We consider both standard and twisted actions of a (real) Coxeter group G on the complement G to the complexified reflection hyperplanes by combining the reflections with complex conjugation. We introduce a natural geometric class of special involutions in G and give explicit formulae which describe both actions on the total cohomology H * ( G , 𝒞 ) in terms of these involutions. As a corollary we prove that the corresponding twisted representation is regular only for the symmetric group S n , the...

Geometric rigidity of × m invariant measures

Michael Hochman (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


Let μ be a probability measure on [ 0 , 1 ] which is invariant and ergodic for T a ( x ) = a x 𝚖𝚘𝚍 1 , and 0 < 𝚍𝚒𝚖 μ < 1 . Let f be a local diffeomorphism on some open set. We show that if E and ( f μ ) E μ E , then f ' ( x ) ± a r : r at μ -a.e. point x f - 1 E . In particular, if g is a piecewise-analytic map preserving μ then there is an open g -invariant set U containing supp μ such that g U is piecewise-linear with slopes which are rational powers of a . In a similar vein, for μ as above, if b is another integer and a , b are not powers of a common integer, and if ν is...

Product decompositions of quasirandom groups and a Jordan type theorem

Nikolay Nikolov, László Pyber (2011)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society


We first note that a result of Gowers on product-free sets in groups has an unexpected consequence: If k is the minimal degree of a representation of the finite group G , then for every subset B of G with | B | > | G | / k 1 / 3 we have B 3 = G . We use this to obtain improved versions of recent deep theorems of Helfgott and of Shalev concerning product decompositions of finite simple groups, with much simpler proofs. On the other hand, we prove a version of Jordan’s theorem which implies that if k 2 , then G has a...